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With final exams done, the seniors find themselves 2 months shy of graduation day. No tests didn't mean free time, on the contrary, their days were filed to the brim. Graduation practice, song rehearsals, meetings with the principal, the course advisers and last minute projects make up their day. The flurry of activities did not divert Krist's thoughts on the next year, nor did it distract Singto from the decision he had to make.

"Dude. I heard you were going to Japan."

"What? Who told you? Never mind. Well yes and no. Actually Off, I haven't decided yet."

"What's there to decide on? It's Japan man. U of Tokyo. What's there to think about?"

Singto raised an eyebrow "Yeah, what's there to think about?"

"Oh, right." Off smiled. "But man, it's just one year. Plus there's Skype, social media, you can call, text, chat, video chat. You know, modern age and all."

"You know it's not the same. How would you feel if you can't be with Gun for a year?"

"I see your point. That would suck. What are you gonna do? Did you talk to him? What did he say?"

"Yeah. I kind of slipped, told him without meaning to."


"He said it was a good opportunity and that it was only a year."

"He has a point there."

"But it's a year."

"Yeah, you have a point."

"Not helping here, Off."

"Sorry man. That decision is difficult. I don't know what to tell you."

"Well. Thanks for the talk. No help at all. Haha! Gotta talk to Ice. See yah man."

"Yeah Sing. Later. Whatever you decide, I'll help however I can. You know what I mean."

"Yeah, thanks man. Later."

Singto left to find Ice. If anyone can help him, it's that guy. They had some free time in between practices. Singto caught up with Ice on his way to the cafeteria. "Yo Ice."

"Sing! What's up?"

"Hey. You've heard right?"

"Tokyo? Yeah. It's all everyone can talk about. Congrats man."

"Everyone? I haven't told anyone yet!"

"I think it was Mr. Aksornpan, he was bragging to anyone that will listen. How his baby boy has all grown up and was accepted to U of Tokyo and all... Haha!"

"Yeah, whatever. 'Baby boy' my a**! Haha!" Singto turned serious. "About that..."

Ice immediately knew what his friend's dilemma is. "Yeah, I know. How will you be able to leave?"


"I'll give it to you straight."

"That's why I'm here. I know you will."

"Don't I always? The way I see it you have two choices, which you already know. You just have to break it down. Pros and Cons dude."

At Singto's nod, Ice continued.

"Got paper? Let's make a list."

Singto pulled out a pad of Post-it from his back pocket.

"Always prepared. That's what I like about you man. OK." Ice pulled out a pen from his own pocket. He pulled out four Post-its and lined them up, four columns, in groups of two. "This one is U of Tokyo." He wrote down 'UoT' on another piece of paper and stuck it on top of the left group. "And this" he wrote down 'BKK' on the other, for the right group of paper. "Let's start with Tokyo, 'pros'?" His pen poised on the first paper on the left group then looked at Singto.

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