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"Girls! Let's watch a movie!" Neen exitedly said as she got to class. "The new musical movie is on!"

"Oh. I can't today. It's my Mae's birthday. Have to get home early." Answered one of her friends.

"Can't. My boyfriend's picking me up today. He's been nagging me about my schedule, how I don't have time for him, etc. I told him, it's not like I enjoy being stuck in classstudying or doing homework and stuff!"

"Oh. OK. I guess I'll go alone then."

"Sorry girl. Raincheck." Friend 1

"Yeah, me too." Friend 2

"Um P'Gun, how about a double date later? No, make it a triple date." Krist said to Gun as they watched the exchange.

"I'm game. You tell Sing, I'll call P'Off."

K: Hey P'Sing! Your class ends the same as our today right?
S: Yeah Kit. Why?
K: Do you have assignments?
S: Nope.
K: Is P'Newwiee free after class.
S: Yup. That guy has no life so he's free.
S: What are you up to Kit?
K: How do you feel about watching a movie, a musical?
S: If I say boring, will you be mad?
K: Nope. You just have to sit through it. We're watching a musical later.
S: Oh-kay. I'll bite. Why are we watching a musical when you know I'll fall asleep as soon as we enter the cinema?
K: Because you are a supportive bestfriend and I am being a supportive wingman.
S: I take it New is coming with?
K: Yup! So are P'OffGun and Neen, as soon as I ask her.
S: Guess we're watching a musical then. I'll go tell New.
K: Thanks P'! See you later!
S: Say it.
K: Say what?
S: I'm watching a musical Kit, I need incentive.
K: What am I saying P'?
S: Say 'I love you my P'Singto.'
K: What? No!
S: Come on Kit! I'm watching a musical!
K: Someone might hear! No!
S: Kiiiit...
K: P'Sing. No.
S: I love you Kit... Say you love me too.
K: OK! Fine! (In a lower voice) *I love you my P'Singto* (much louder) Happy now?
S: Yes! Very! How many musicals are we watching?
K: Haha! Very funny P'! Go tell P'Newwiee, he owes me one.
S: See you later Kit! *mwah*
K: P'!
S: Haha! Later!

"P'Gun, what did P'Off say? Is he coming?"

"Yeah. He just has a quick meet with his professor. He'll meet us there. He said to get the 6:30 pm movie if we can, he'll follow."

"Great! Now I just have to ask Neen!" Krist hurried over to Neen's chair. He saw Neen get up, poised to go out. "Hey Neen! Are you going out?"

"Oh, hi Krist! Yes, I was going to the restroom."

"Oh, sorry. I'll wait for you to come back."

"No it's fine. I was just going for a retouch. What's up?"

"First, let me say sorry. I overheard you and your friends talking about watching a movie and that you're going alone."

"It's OK. Yeah, I wanted to watch the new musical that started today. Why?"

"Well P'Gun and I were going to watch later. Since you're watching alone, I was wondering if you'd like to join us."

"You and Gun? You won't be watchikg with Singto?"

"Well of course he'll be there, as well as P'Gun's fan, who's from another school... and P'New. Is that OK?"

"Um, I guess. Better than going alone. When are you watching?"

"Later, after class, is the 6:30 pm movie fine with you?"

"Yeah, that'll be good"

"Great! We'll meet you outside after class then."

"'K! See you later!"

"Girls, do you mind waiting with us? You know Krist and Gun? We have Business Math together for last period."

"Oh yeah, hi you two! I'm Jan and this is Darling."

"Hi!" Greeted Darling.

"Hi! Nice to meet you. Gun."

"Hi! Krist."

"So you got roped into watching a movie with Neen?" Jan joked.

"Haha! Actually we were planning to watch it later and heard Neen was watching alone so we asked her."

"Well, I'm glad you did. I feel bad not being able to come with Neen." Darling added. "Thanks for inviting her."

"Don't mention it! It'll be fun!" Krist answered.

"Girls." Jan whispered. "It's Hot and Hotter"

"Oh my gosh! Are they coming this way? Why are they coming this way?"

"Sorry, who are Hot and Hotter? And why do they have those names?" Gun asked the two.

"Girls! Shhh!" Neen cautioned.

"What?" Darling exclaimed.

"Hot and Hotter are those two Engineering boys that we've been eyeing for the past year. There." Jan pointed tonsomewhere behind Gun and Krist.

The two turned and looked everywhere.

"Where? You mean those two?" Gun pointed to New and Singto, currently walking towards them from across the open grounds."

"Oh!" Was Krist's only reaction.

Gun smirked and asked "So who's Hot and who's Hotter?"

"Hot, that's the guy Neen's been crushing on, is the more built of the two. Since he's Neen's, he's off limits to us." Jan answered.

"Now that other one is Hotter, because well, he just is."

Krist and Gun looked at each other and laughed out loud.

"Can the earth just swallow me whole?" Neen said to herself.

"What? Why?" Jan asked Neen.

"Oh my! They're really coming here!"

At that moment, Singto and New reached their table. Singto walked to Krist and kissed his cheek. Jan and Darling had their mouths openned in shock.

"Hi Kit. Did you wait long?"

"Not that long P'. We were talking anyway." Krist turned to Jan and Darling.

"Jan, Darling, this is my P'Singto. And that is P'New." Krist raised his hand to Singto's arm "P'Sing, P'Newwiee, these are Jan, Darling and you know Neen? They're classmates of ours."

Gun laughed till he had tears in his eyes. "Sorry. Sorry. I can't hold it. Hahaha!!!"

"What? I don't get it." Singto said to Krist.

"I'll explain later P'. Let's go."

"OK. Give me your bag."

"Here P'."

"Gun, Off's meeting us there?"

"Hahaha! Yes Sing. He'll be there by 6:00 PM."

New smiled at Jan and Darling and wai-ed. He walked around the table to Neen and asked if he could help with her bag. Neen blushed and spared a glance at her two friends.

"Girls, close your mouths." Neen whispered to the two as she passed them by.

"Ladies." Singto wai-ed at Jan and Darling.

They left the two at the table, still gawking at their retreating backs.

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