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"I will sound harsh P'. I'm just not interested."

Upon hearing this, Singto immediately stepped away. He didn't want to hear the rest of the conversation. When he saw Victor talking to Krist, he was worried that the older of the two would confess and the younger would accept. It was little consolation that Krist declined Victor's proposal but was devastating to hear that his Nong was not interested in that type of relationship.

Singto had to step away to compose himself and redirect his thoughts. He was all set to confess to Krist and was sure the younger man felt the same, if not a little bit. Now, he was sure that whatever type of advances he makes would be rejected.

With what he heard, Singto is resigned to just be friends, if that's the only relationship he can have with Krist.

"Victor." Singto said as he approached the two again. "What are you doing here?"

"Singto." Victor nodded to the newcomer. "I was talking to Krist."

"About?" Singto looked from Victor then to Krist, settling on Krist.

"This and that." Victor answered. Then to Krist "Krist, coffee sometime?"

"Sure P'."

"Later Krist! I'll text you." Victor smiled at Krist. "Singto." Was his farewell to the other man.

"What was that about?" Singto turned to Krist. He was trying so hard to keep the annoyance from his voice.

"P'Vic was just congratulating me on the performance. I may have a fan. Haha!"

"P'Vic? Yeah, anyway... after how you played earlier, you'll get more than just Victor as a fan, believe me. We're having a hard time as it is, fending off the wolves, now you had to be all cute and play the drums, it'll be hell to catch up with you."

"Cute P'? You think I'm cute?" Krist sidled up to Singto and smiled his most charming smile.

Singto! "Oh come on Krist, you know you're cute. How many times did you use your cuteness to get us, your P's to do something for you?!"

"Well, as long as you think I'm cute P'Sing!" Still smiling, Krist walked towards the exit. "Let's go P'! Being this cute is a making me hungry." Krist winked at Singto then turned back towards the exit. He didn't see his P's reaction to him.

Singto was rooted on the spot. He hasn't seen this playful side of Krist in the four years he's known him. It is simply disarming. He shook his head to get the cobwebs out then followed Krist out of the auditorium, all the while thinking Why did I think being just friends with him would be easy?

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