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Krist and Singto arrived at the diner some 30 minutes after the group. They were greeted by applause and whoops from their friends, directed at Krist for his band performance. Krist immediately turned red, not used to all the attention.

As they were taking their seats, New called quietly "Sing?", to which Singto shook his head no, mouthing 'later' to his friend. New in turn looked at the guys seated at the table and subtly shook his head.

Gun who was all perked up lost some of his energy upon seeing New's reaction. He whispered "too bad."

Upon hearing this, Off hugged Gun to his side saying just as quietly "Maybe soon Hon."

Through all this quiet interaction, Krist, as usual was oblivious. Singto however saw the entire thing. Hoping to distract Krist, he called the waiter and asked Krist to give his order.

Orders came, drinks were served, and conversation was flowing. Krist was in an animated conversation with Gun. Facing Singto's other side. Singto was placing heaps of food on Krist's plate, thinking that with the conversations flowing, Krist would tend to talk endlessly and forget to eat. He was twirling pasta on Krist's fork then tapped Krist's shoulder, the other man automatically turned his head. Seeing the pasta on his fork, Krist opened his mouth, allowing Singto to feed him.

Ice, who was seated opposite the couple could only smile and shake his head.

"So what happened?" New, seated beside Singto, whispered. "What did he say?"

"I heard him talking to Victor."

"And?" New prompted.

"He said he wasn't interested."

"In Victor or in you?"

"I don't know. Probably in Victor. Probably in general. I don't want to pry."

"Coward." New jokingly whispered.

"You bet!" Singto laughed a little. "I just don't want to risk the friendship if he rejects me. I need time to think."

"Makes sense. At the same time, it doesn't. Think about it Sing. I'm here to talk if you need me."

"Yeah, thanks man."

At the other side, conversation turned into hushed whispers as Krist and Gun started whispering to one another.

"So what happened?" Gun asked quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, did you talk to Singto?"

"I don't get it. I always talk to P'Singto. Why?"

"Did Singto say anything to you?"


"About you. And him."

"What about Me and him?"

"He didn't say anything." Gun spoke the last sentence more to himself than to Krist.

"What are you saying?"

"Nothing. Nothing. Don't mind me. Just eat."

"Are you sure it's nothing?"

"Yeah Krist, Sing would have said something if it needs to be said. For now, don't mind me." Gun smiled and then turned to finish eating. He turned to Off and raised his shoulder, communicating a lot without words being spoken. Off's reaction was to kiss Gun's cheek and pull the smaller man closer to him.    

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