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When the final bell rang, Singto turned to Krist and said "Kit go ahead, I'll follow you in a bit."

"OK P'"

At the library, Krist started taking out his books and began reading. He wasn't sure how long Singto would take so he started without him.

Krist has been reading for half an hour, waiting for his P'. He was deep into the chapter assigned for their literature class when he smelled a familiar scent. The scent brought him a sense of calm and contentment, at the same time brought butterflies to his stomach.

Singto leaned into Krist's ear when he approached their table "Can I seat with you?" Krist's ear immediately turned red.

"I'm actually waiting for someone." Krist answered without lifting his head from the book he was reading. "There are a lot of empty tables around, please sit in one of those."


Krist turned to Singto. "P'Sing. I can smell you from 5 meters away. Sit."

"Are you saying I smell?"

"Yeah you do P'" Why do you always smell so good?

"Hmp! I don't."

"Don't sulk P'. It doesn't suit you." Krist teased as he turned around to the now sitting Singto. He smiled then turned back to reading.

Singto on the other hand was stunned. He was set on joking around with Krist but the second the younger man smiled, all coherent thought left him. He had to mentally shake himself to get back to the present. "Not fair Krist." He said to himself.

"What did you say P'?" Krist asked. "What's not fair?"

"I said what are you reading?"

"Literature notes."

Singto moved his chair closer to Krist, scraping the floor as he did, which earned a few 'Shhhh's' from the other students.

Krist lifted his head to look at the other students and saw they were looking in their direction. He turned his head and was caught off guard with Singto's nearness. He found himself an inch away from his P'.


"What are you doing P'? Why are you sitting this close?"

Singto answered in a whisper, looking down at Krist's notes. "Looking at your notes." He can feel Krist's breaths on his cheek and it's wreaking havoc on his brain. I hope he can't hear my heart beating from this close.

Softly, Krist said "Too close P'."

Singto ignored Krist. That's to say, he didn't move an inch. He brought his eyes up to look at the younger man. He's blushing. Cute. "What are you reading Nong?"

*ehem* Krist cleared his throat and moved his head away. "Call Me by Your Name".

"Was that the assigned reading?" Singto still didn't move away.

"Um... No P'. The teacher said to pick a book and do a paper on it."

"Oh, I see." Singto sat back and looked at Krist. "What's it about? Why'd you pick that book?"

How to answer his question... If I tell him what the book is about, what would he think? "I'm still reading it P'."

"Then what should I read?"

"Up to you."

"What do you suggest?"

"Up. To. You. P'." Krist smiled showing all teeth then turned back to his reading.

Singto laughed, earning a glare from the librarian. He quickly wai-ed to the librarian then looked at Krist's profile. He has actually read the book AND seen the movie. He was surprised his Krist chose to read that book. I wonder... Singto didn't entertain his thoughts on the possible reason for Krist's choice, he might get more distracted if he did.

Singto could've chosen a few other books to do his paper on but he wanted to see what Krist's reaction would be to his choice. He pulled out a book from his bag and left it on the table. He then opened Krist's notes from this morning's class and began reviewing.

Krist was watching Singto from the corner of his eye. He was aware when his P' decided what to do his report on. He saw him take out a book from his bag and though, So he has chosen a book already. Why ask me about the assignment then! Annoyed, Krist tried to read the title that was on the table. He dropped his book when he saw the book. Singto looked up from his notes while Krist tried to get himself together and return to reading. He was unsuccessful to say the least. If someone were to be privy to their conversation and see the interaction, they would think 'what gives?' the only answer to that is Singto's book title – Love Simon.

Needless to say, Krist could not concentrate on studying with his P' in the library. He has read and reread the page he was on three times. He kept glancing at Singto who had his head down, writing in his notebook. Glad you can concentrate. Krist thought bitterly. It's not like you're the reason why I can't move from this chapter!

Singto is trying hard to cover his notebook, preventing Krist from seeing his notes. His Nong would surely ask questions if he saw the same formula being written over and over again. He just couldn't concentrate. He's trying to understand the numbers on his notes but he just can't. All he could think about was the choice of book Krist made for their literature assignment. Why would he choose that? It's obvious the book is about love between...Don't go there Singto. Remember what you learned Foundation Day. Don't rush things. That's it, I give up! "Nong."

"Yes P'?" Krist's answer seemed entirely too eager.

"I can't concentrate on the formulas for the Calculus class. Can you go through it with me?"

"Sure P!" Krist put his book down and turned his body towards Singto. "OK. See here P'?" Krist put his arm over Singto's to write down the computation. "This number when substituted..."

This was a bad idea. Who can concentrate like this? Singto gave up trying to understand the lecture. He just sat there and listened to Krist's voice, smelled his Nong and enjoyed the feeling of Krist being that close. He gave the necessary "OK... So that's how it's done..." at necessary moments.

"P'? Are you listening?"

"Huh? Yeah. So the derivative of f(x) is" Singto wrote down a series of computations coming up with "this one, √(4x + 1), right?"

"Yes! Wow P', I'm impressed."

Singto actually knew how to solve the equation. He aced the previous pop quiz they had on the topic, which Krist seemed to forget. "I'm hungry." He stated.

"Aw. P'. We're not yet finished. There are still a few more items that were discussed."

"But I can't think. You know how I get when I'm hungry."

"Yeah. OK. Let's go eat. The test would be next week anyway. Did I tell you that P'? We have a quiz on these topics next week." Krist indicated the notes and looked disheartened by the prospect of a test.

"Oh. We do? I'd have to study then. But I can't now. Too hungry. Will you study with me tomorrow?"

Any excuse to be alone with Singto... "Sure P'. We can continue tomorrow."

"What do you want to eat?"

"You're the one that's hungry P'. You pick."

"How about some noodles?"

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