Day One

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"Krist! Krist! Over here!" Krist heard as he entered the gymnasium where all the freshmen in the university gathered. He turned and spotted New waving at him from 5th row of the bleachers, seated with Gun at his left. Krist made his way to the two.

"Hi P'New, P'Gun! I missed you guys!" Krist said as he sat at New's right.

"Hey Krist!" Gun greeted.

"You made it on time! I thought you were going to be late!" New exclaimed.

"Yeah, I thought so too, P'. I woke up late and was rushing when you called this morning."

"I'm going to have a word with Singto. What time is he usually online?" Gun asked Krist.

"Around 5:00 pm, he's usually free. Why P', do you need to talk to P'Sing?"

"Why yes! He shouldn't have kept you up last night!"

"But P'Gun, how did you know it was because of P'Singto's call?"

New was looking from Gun to Krist as the conversation wenton. "Here!" He stood and moved out of his seat. "Krist, switch chairs with me, I'm getting neck cramps fromwatching you and Gun. Sit beside Gun."

"Oh, thanks P'Newwiie." Krist smiled at New and exchanged seats. "P'Gun, don't call P'Sing. Not his fault I was late."

"Don't make excuses for that man! He should have called earlier! He knows today is our first day in University and he almost made you late!"

"But P', really it wasn't P'Sing's fault. I should have slept earlier."

"No, no, no. I'll call him later." Gun dismissed the topic.

"Oh hey guys!" said a new comer who sat beside New.

New was surprised. "Oh hi Victor! I didn't know you were going to Kasetsart."

"Yeah, I didn't tell anyone. I was thinking about going here or Thammasat. I decided to study here! Lucky me! Hey Krist! Gun."

"Sawadee P'."

"Victor." Gun greeted, not bothering to look at Victor.

"So, what did I miss?" Victor asked the three.

"Oh nothing. The orientation hasn't started yet." New answered.

"Obviously." Gun added.

Krist can feel Gun's mood shifting. He decided to start a safe topic. "What are you taking up P'Vic?"

"Computer Science. What about you Krist?"

"I'm taking Econ with P'Gun. P'Newwiie is doing Engineering."

"Oh! Our building's beside each other!" Victor excitedly said. "We can have lunch together!"

"I doubt that."

"P'?" Krist turned to Gun.

"I don't want to be distracted from our studies Krist. We have to build a good foundation our freshman year. Don't you think so?"

"Yeah, you're right P'Gun. No distractions. Sorry P'Vic. We have to concentrate."

"Oh, OK." Victor, sensing Gun's temperament dropped the subject.

"So Gun," New started, "Off and the guys aren't starting university until next week right?"

"Yeah. Their orientation is next Monday. Lucky them!"

"So we're meeting later?" New asked, turning from Victor to face Gun and Krist fully.

"Yeah. I told him to pick us up after school."

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