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"Hey Krist, why do you look restless?"

"I don't know P'Gun. I feel like I forgot something. I'm thinking about it and I'm sure there's nothing I forgot."

"Hmm... I read somewhere that these types of feelings usually mean there's something ominuous that's bound to happen."

"Really P'?"

"That's what I read. I don't know if it's true or not."

"I hope not. I don't want anything bad to happen."

"Yeah. Maybe you just forgot something."

"Yeah. Maybe."

"Krist what's going on? You're unusually quiet."

"P'Sing, you ever feel like you forgot something but think and think and come up with nothing?"

"Hmm... not really."

"Well of course not! I bet you have a checklist for everything!"

"Not everything. I leave a blank page on my planner for whatever you want to do, so I'll always have time." *wink*

*weh* "Just drive P'Sing."

"Oh hi P'Newwiee! Are you here to pick up Neen? She just went to the restroom. By the way, have you seen P'Singto? He's supposed to be here by now."

"Oh yeah, Sing said for you to call him when you're free. He mentioned you're not answering his calls or messages."

"Oops. It was on silent mode. Oh no. P'Sing's been calling me. There are about 20 missed calls and 10 messages. Thanks P'Newwiee! I'll call P'Sing now. Hey! Neen's coming! Bye P'! Have fun!"

K: Hello, P'Sing?
S: Hi Kit. What's going on? I've been calling you for half an hour. Did your phone run out of battery?
K: Khot thot na P'. My phone was on silent mode.
S: That explains it. Anyway, I was calling to ask if it's ok for you to catch a ride with Gun today.
K: Sure P'! Why?
S: Well, I've been assigned a new lab partner, a transfer from another faculty. I was thinking of discussing lessons this afternoon to catch up.
K: No worries P'. Just don't tire yourself too much. I'll text P'Gun.
S: I already called him when you weren't picking up. He said to meet him at the library.
K: You really do think of everything huh?
S: Of course I do! When it comes to you, the details should be spot on.
K: Haha! Yeah! Whatever P'. Just go dazzle your lab partner with your smarts! Don't stress yourself too much. Oh and remember to bring home a cake for your sister, it's her birthday.
S: I almost forgot! Thanks Kit! Yeah I'll buy a cake.
K: OK P'. I'm almost to the library now. Call me when you get home.
S: I will. Love you Kit.
K: Yeah. You too.
S: I'm guessing there are people around?
K: Uh-huh.
S: So I can't ask for a kiss?
K: No! I'm hanging up now.
S: Aw Kit, just a little.
K: No!
S: Kiiiit....
K: P'! Behave!
S: OK. I'll wait for it later.
K: Concentrate P'! (smaller voice) Love you. *ends call*

"Good morning love." Singto greeted as Krist entered the car.

Krist, after placing his bag at the backseat, automatically leaned over and kissed Singto's cheek. He sat back and fastened his seatbelt.

"Someone slept well last night. Did you dream of me?" Singto remarked as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Um, no. I just slept peacefully without someone disturbing my sleep."

"Oh-ho! So I disturb your sleep huh?"

"Yeah. Except last night."


"I didn't have dreams last night so you didn't disturb me."

"So it's like that huh?"

"Yeah." Krist replied smugly.

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