Chapter 5

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Andy had been back multiple times since then. She quite enjoyed her trips up to the mansion after school, and her parents didn't really seem to mind - as long as they knew she was leaving.
She had got to know Edward fairly well, and was now definitely reassured he was not a serial killer. He was too innocent and sweet. Every time she visited he was just as happy as the last, welcoming her - not with open arms - but a small "Hello" and a smile.


Andy was home from school now, and sitting on the couch thinking about the castle. She was waiting for her dad to get home from work so she could tell him she was going, as her parents liked to know.

"Dad? Is that you?" Andy called to the person who had just walked in the door. There was no reply.
"Dad?" She called again, this time rising from the couch.
Still no reply.
Andy's suspicions rose. The door was right there, why couldn't he hear her?
"I'm here." Said a voice that was not Dads.
"Who are you?" Andy said. She still couldn't see this person, but it was very creepy that he was trying to pretend to be her dad.
Deciding she was frightened out of her skin, Andy raced for the back door. Once she was outside she went for the door that connected the backyard to the front one.
Crashing into the wooden door, her palms got skinned. She opened it in a hurry. This man was chasing her, and he seemed quite determined to do something. She dare not look back as she ran down the road, the setting sun in her eyes.
There was now only one place she knew she had a chance of hiding in; the castle.

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