Chapter 37

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The discussion about Andy's plan of living in the mansion had been a somewhat heated one. But, it finished almost as soon as it started, with one clear answer: they were going to the mansion.
As it was not a great idea, Andy knew, to leave a certain evil dude tied up by himself in the basement, she had proposed the idea of taking him with them and putting him in a room there while they cleaned stuff up.

He was still unconscious when they carried him up the hill. He was tied up, so even if he was awake he wouldn't have gotten far, but it did make the task significantly easier. They left him tied to a chair in an abandoned room in the mansion, making sure there were no sharp objects around.

Andy stood alone in the garden of hedges, which were looking a bit unkempt and shaggy, and waited for Grace and Kevin to bring some stuff up. They had parked the car at the bottom of the hill, as the path up was quite overgrown. She felt useless just standing there. She couldn't help carry anything, unless it was invincible or so light she could hold it with her wrists. She wondered what Edward was doing and decided he must be inside. The door to the building was propped open with a piece of wood, so she stepped over it gingerly, squeezing through the gap. It was the best they could do in the moment, not having a doorstop or anything really heavy.
"Edward?" She called out, her voice echoing across the haunting room. A shiver ran down her spine. This place gave her the creeps. She reconsidered wanting to stay here all of a sudden.
"Yes?" A slightly fainter call came back, from upstairs. A pale face stuck out from the door at the top of the stairs.
"What are you doing?" Andy replied, now climbing the stairs.
"Just... looking," he waited for her to reach the top and they both entered the top room together. Edward shuffled over to a window in the side of the wall and stared out it, in a longing sort of way. Andy stood next to him and peered out.
From the top of the mansion there was a panoramic view of the whole town - almost every pastel coloured house could be seen.
Andy decided not to say anything, but she knew what this meant.
"Do you want to show me how to trim the hedges?" She abruptly asked. He turned quickly, startled at her sudden request, but then he smiled.

First Edward demonstrated, then Andy followed. That was how it went for the next half hour - each hedge being slowly refined and restored. While she was working on a deer hedge, Grace and Kevin came by like they had been since they got here, carrying cleaning products and various other necessities.
"Getting the hang of it?" Grace asked her as they walked by, grinning at Andy's unsure chopping. Edward was working opposite her, and looked over worriedly at her.
"Yes, thank you." She said. "I'm actually alright at this, you know. I just look awkward doing it."
Grace laughed, and Andy laughed with her. But Kevin was eyeing the hedges with a slight disgust.
"They still give me the creeps," he said under his breath.

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