Chapter 4

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       Whenever I heard anyone saying something about the world being small, I would just laugh at them. The chances of seeing a random person more than once were slim to none. Now I was starting to realize why some people actually believed in these coincidences. To be honest, I never thought I would see that blonde asshole again, which is a part of the reason I swore like a sailor in front of him. I rarely ever swore, but when someone really got on my nerves, I wasn't afraid to run my mouth.

Now all I wanted to do was curse out that prick for being such an ass, but this definitely wasn't the time nor the place. Liam and Louis were both just stunned standing there in the middle of the kitchen, looking between me and Blondie, or Niall? That's what Liam had called him when he was telling me who was home.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Liam asked, finally breaking the awkward silence that was slowly forming.

"You could say that." I muttered while folding my arms across my chest. It was a bit cool in here and I was starting to get the chills. I silently cursed myself for not dressing warmer. Wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a light pink v-neck on sounded like a good idea before I knew Liam's apartment was a freezer, unlike the warm weather out in London.

"So bitchin' people out in da middle of da street is yer way of gettin' tah know someone?" Blondie/Niall asked, raising an eyebrow at me. At this Liam and Louis were both awestruck.

"Okay what the hell is going on?" Louis asked as he jumped off his seat at the bar and walked between the two of us.

"'Member when I went tah New York last week an' had dat accident with da taxi, dats da girl who cussed me out." Blondie/Niall explained. He must have already told them about it since he referred to the accident as "that" one.

"Wait you're the girl who yelled at Niall in the middle of Times Square?!" Louis asked, almost in disbelief.

"Yes? He almost made me late for work!" I defended. I had expected for either of the boys to say something to defend their friend, but instead they both broke into a fit of laughter.

"Niall was gutted a girl, whose name he doesn't even know, cursed him out just for a little car crash." Louis said as he came to his normal senses.

"He wouldn't stop talking about it the whole way back home from the airport." Liam added. I couldn't but help find this amusing. He deserved that and more for not being a careful driver and not being polite to me.

"Well maybe he should be a better driver and that won't happen next time." I smirked. I knew I was pushing his buttons, but I needed a good laugh.

"Bitch." I heard mutter under his breath before he turned around and walked into another room because it wasn't long before we heard the loud slamming of a door being shut.

"I'm sorry about him. He's just been in a mood lately." Liam apologized leading me to a seat in his kitchen bar.

"It's fine, really. I was just messing with him." I sympathized.

"We're sorry you had to be welcomed to London like that. But no fears we'll make it up to you." Louis said patting my back.

"Thanks. I definitely wanna do some sight seeing." I said while throwing a wink both their ways.

"We'll take you as soon as we can, but first we have to get your living situation in order." Liam said, taking a seat right beside me. I hadn't even thought of where I was going to live. I had assumed I would be spending my time here in a hotel, but from the way Liam was acting it seemed as though I needed something more permanent.

"I wanted to ask you before I went ahead and did anything. Would you prefer living here in the building? or there's a new set of complexes ,that were just recently built, a few blocks from here." Liam said as he rummaged through a folder filled with numerous catalogues and papers.

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