Chapter 29

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

A loud, constant shuffling followed by a few profanities drowned me out of my dreams and back into reality. Once my eyes finally managed to open themselves, I blindly reached over to my night stand to grab my glasses. It must have been really early in the morning, considering it seemed as if it was still pitch black outside, unless it really was. After I adjusted my glasses, I turned towards the source of disruption only to see a tall figure with disheveled hair, of which only belonged to only person I knew.

"Niall?" I asked, well more like yawned.

"Mornin' darlin'," he greeted and I swear I could feel the happiness radiate off of that goofy smile he always wore when he saw me in the morning.

"What are you doing in here? Isn't it early?" I was confused as to why he was here, and more importantly how. We, well Niall, still wanted to keep our relationship to ourselves because he didn't want the boys to pester him about considering he needed time to adjust to it himself. Personally, it didn't bother me because I knew it was a big step for him to go back into the basic footings of a relationship. Just as long as the both of us were happy, I was content.

"I kicked Zayn out, told him t' go t' the gym 'er sumthin'," he shrugged as he plopped himself next to me, pulling the covers over the both of us. I shook my head at him, before giving him a stern look.

"Come on, ya can't be mad at me fer wantin' t' spend time with my gurl." A pout followed his statement, making me want to encourage this behavior, but I didn't want him causing problems with his best friends- brothers more like.

"You're right I can't be mad, but I don't want to bother Zayn. I know he's tired too, especially after two craze filled shows." After my little trip to New York, Niall and I flew back to Chicago, where the boys had two nights of shows followed by a day off. Today was the third day, thankfully, so we were all free to do whatever.

None of us had much time to do any exploring considering the boys had interviews, and without any of the boys I was stuck on my own, which meant ultimate boredom on my end. The last two days seemed to run out of time quickly because as soon as their interviews were done, it was time for sound check and before any of us knew it they were getting ready to perform their last song of the show. Therefore, Niall and I didn't get much alone time, and clearly, our room situation didn't help that much either.

"I missed ya," Niall whispered in my ear before he titled my face towards his and connected our lips. On instinct, my hands immediately wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him closer. We may have only kissed last night, right before he ran on stage, but it felt like ages, and I had been craving his lips so badly. Just the way he kissed me got me addicted to him; his kisses created a fire inside me that I never wanted to put out.

"I missed you too," I giggled, pulling away.

"Ya never told me ya wore glasses," he said as his hands traveled up from my waist to my face. His fingers slowly inched up to my eyes before he carefully pulled them away from my face to examine them.

"I usually wear my contacts during the day, and then take them out when I read or working on something," I explained as he finished looking at my glasses,gently placing them back over my eyes.

"Wear 'em more often, they make ya look sexy," he purred. My mind couldn't even think fast enough to process an answer, instead I could feel all the blood in my body traveling all the way up to my cheeks.

"I also really like when ya blush, makes me know I'm sayin' the right things," he winked, causing my cheeks to burn even more. Words couldn't even express how I was feeling right now, I didn't think there was anything I could say back to show him how much I appreciated all of this. Without hesitation, I pulled him impossibly close to me with my arms securing my grip around him.

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