Chapter 38

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Niall's P.O.V.

Nothing felt better to me than laying in the comforts of my own bed, even though I had to push back the tiny feelings bubbling up inside me that were missing Aubrey wrapped around me. Two weeks of being home, and I felt like I had been off for only a few days to be honest. Tour was amazing and all, but sometimes it's just nice to sit at home and do nothing as boring and ridiculous as it sounds. Although, I have been able to catch up on the latest season of Love/Hate as well as Derby's pre-seasonal training. Break was treating me more than well, if I do say so myself.

Aubrey and I didn't see each other as often as it seemed. We did hang out at either my place or hers, casually hanging out and talking, maybe a little bit more sometimes. But other times, she had little runs to work, quickly going back to her flat and doing nothing but work, which left me with nothing to do seeing as the other lads were busy with their lives. The older we got, the less we saw each other, but that didn't interfere with the strong bond that held the five of us together. Years could go pass by, but we would pick up as if we had only seen each other yesterday.

I wasn't even sure how long it had been that I was just laying in bed, mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed. The loud blaring from my living room sent me stumbling off the bed to my feet to see who my guest was, although I already had an idea of who it was. Liam hadn't seemed to be at ease with his nerves as his proposal to Sophia was fairly approaching us. So I suggested he come over before he stupidly blurts it out and ruins his plans. I know, I'm such a good friend.

Liam's tired and stressed face greeted me once I opened my front door to let him in. Seeing Liam like this was something completely foreign to me. In all my tears of knowing him, I had never witnessed him in such a state of anxiety, or nervousness. "Mornin'," I smiled at him as I led him into the kitchen.

"Hey," he instantly replied with no emotion evident in his voice.

"Ya really need t' stop worryin'. She's not gonna say no. Yer so stupid Liam, she loves ya," I explained as I filled the tea kettle with water before putting it on the stove to boil. Hopefully tea would ease this boy's nerves. He seemed as if his entire life depended on this decision, but then again that was exactly the case.

Liam took a deep breath before running a hand through his already messy hair, "It's not as easy as it sounds like."

"Sure it is," I shrugged as I opened the cupboard to grab two mugs, "She loves ya, ya love her, nuthin' is wrong with agreein' t' spend the rest 'f her life with ya."

"Niall, that's not how it works." Liam brought up a hand to push up against his forehead. The sound of the water boiling signaled me to lower the heat on the stove, swiftly adding two tea bags into the steaming container. Turning around, I leaned my body against the counter, looking back at Liam with raised eyebrows.

"Pretty sure t'at's how marriage works, buddy," I replied, folding my arms across my chest. When Louis and Zayn proposed they weren't nearly half as nervous as Liam was. Both of them, Louis and Zayn, were nervous as hell, but I mean any guy would. Yet they remained calm and collected, and everything worked out in wonders for them.

"Well if that's the case why don't you go ask Aubrey to marry you?" Liam shot back, causing me to almost lose my balance and fall onto the marble tiles adorning my kitchen floor.

"What?" I managed to reply. Aubrey and I were no where near marriage, and I highly the doubt either of us would be any time soon. It took us this long to confess our love for each other, which meant it was going to take the time for marriage to even float in our thoughts.

"Don't you two love each other? Shouldn't be that hard to get a yes out of her," He mocked my prior comment.

"T'at's not what I meant exactly, Liam," I said while I turned around to grab the kettle off of the stove, filling each mug three quarters full. Carefully, I grabbed each mug and made my way back towards the island Liam was sitting at. "I was jus' sayin' t'at ya really need t' stop worryin' coz yer the only guy Sophia would ever want t' with, trust me. She's head over heels fer ya," I reassured my pained friend.

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