Chapter 14

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Niall's P.O.V.

         Liam had an iron grip around the collar of my jacket, for what seemed like an eternity, as he dragged me towards the outer most portion of the park. I had assumed Liam and I were just going to have a small chat on the bench he had initially dragged me to. Apparently he had a change of mind seeing as I was being pulled around like a dog around this park. He had such a determined persona on, the kind he only put on when he was really serious about something. Quite frankly, I was confused out of my mind as to why he suddenly came and dragged me away from Aubrey like that. I would have at least liked to excuse myself properly, rather than being dragged away like a child, more so leaving the poor girl all by herself.

To my surprise, I was enjoying that dance with Aubrey. My mind was yelling at me to stop whatever it was that I was starting with her, but whenever I went ahead with my gut feeling, foreign sensations erupted not only throughout my stomach, but my mind as well. Happiness spread all throughout my body, making me want to hold on to every single moment that was responsible for these feelings.

Although, I couldn't help but be thankful that Liam came when he did. I had no idea what I was about to do as I inched closer and closer to her face. With every inch that I decreased between us, the faster my mind and heart were racing. Kissing her had crossed my mind, but I felt as though we were magnets of the same pole; there was no way we could attract, no matter what we did, despite our closeness, we would always repel.

Once we reached a white ceramic fountain, Liam halted both our tracks bringing us to a sharp stop. The sound of constant splashing of water filled the silent atmosphere around us, creating a somewhat serene environment. Soon enough I came to my senses and turned my attention towards Liam.

"So t' what do I owe the honour 'f bein' dragged away by ya?" I questioned as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What the hell were you doing back there?" He yelled at me as if I were about to commit a crime a few minutes ago.

"I don't know 'bout what ya were seein' back there, but I was dancin' till ya came an' fucked it up by draggin' me away like a little kid." I retorted. Throughout the years, Liam and I had our fair share of tifts, and they did get ugly. Some how, some way, we always found a way back to sew things back together. Today, though, seemed like a completely different t situation. He was outright starting shit with me for no apparent reason, and it was really starting to aggravate me.

"And you realize who you were dancing with?" He continued as though this were some criminal investigation. I raised an eyebrow at home before answering, "Aubrey?" Not only was angering me, but confusing the hell out of me at the same time- not a good combination. Liam simply nodded his head as he proceded to fold his arms across his chest.

"Where ar' ya goin' wit' this?" I asked in a tone that hinted I was getting annoyed.

"For God's sake Niall! I'm trying to tell you to get off Aubrey's back!" Liam yelled out in frustration. His reasoning caught me off guard. Why would I need to stay away from Aubrey? Everything between us was more than okay. We were not only on good terms, but I was pretty positive that we were almost crossing the bridge to being best friends.

"What?" I dumbfoundly asked.

"Don't play stupid with me, Niall. I know you better than anyone else here. I saw those googly eyes you were making at her." He matter of factly stated. In an instant I felt all of my emotions flood to the back of my mind. I was at a loss of words not because of what Liam said, but because liking Aubrey more than a friend never crossed my mind as much as it has now.

"We were dancin'. I don't und'r stand what the big deal is." I shrugged, trying to give him the impression that his words didn't affect me at all.

"You were also about to kiss her. And don't you dare deny it because if I hadn't stepped in when I did, you two would be locking lips right now." Liam pointed a finger at me. Again I was at a loss of words with Liam's assumptions. They weren't one hundred percent truth, but a small part of me, unfortunately, did agree with him. Despite the validity of his statements, I couldn't even bring myself to come to terms with the fact we were having this conversation.

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