Chapter 5

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"And that's the last trip." Louis huffed as he set two giant cardboard boxes on my kitchen counter. Over the past two days, the boys(besides Niall) had been helping me settle into my new apartment. From furniture shopping to setting everything up,the boys had basically set up my entire place for me.

I had wanted to start my interview with Liam the day I got here, but he insisted that it could wait a couple more days. Getting settled was his priority; that way I could be more focused with my writing. Frankly, I didn't mind it one bit because these four were some of the most kind hearted people I had ever met. Aside from the fact that they were world renowned celebrities, they acted completely normal, maybe a little too normal sometimes.

"Thank you guys so much for everything. I don't know what I would have done without you guys. Literally." I said, pointing to everything that was set up between my kitchen and living room. Going furniture shopping with Zayn was probably the best decision yet. He had helped me pick furniture that seemed completely incompatible with each other, yet as I took a look at it now, I'm glad he made me get them. He had opted for a plain white couch that formed an "L" shape around room with different colored throw pillows. Along side that, there was a giant,black leather ottoman in the middle of the living room that had a small silver tray filled with many different types and colors of rocks. To finish off the look, in the corner of the room, next to the flat screen (thanks to Harry and Liam constant begging to get it for me) sat a black leather rocker chair.

"This was nothing." Harry scoffed as he regarded my comment as nothing. The other three simultaneously nodded their heads, agreeing with Harry. I was so unbelievably grateful for everything they had dome for me, so I pulled them in for a giant group hug.

"Group hug!" Liam yelled as we all squished together and took in each others' embraces. After we pulled away, I couldn't help but feel bad that the boys had been spending all their time getting me settled in, while they left their best friend all alone. Niall and I may not have gotten off on the right foot, and we may have our differences, but that didn't mean I wanted to deprive him of his best friends, brothers even.

"Did any of you ask Niall to come with?" I asked. If he had wanted to come, I probably wouldn't care as long as he quit being an ass.

"I told him to come look at furniture with us, but he told me to fuck off." Zayn shrugged.

"And then we told him to come help us here today, but he said he wants as little to do with you as possible." Louis added, giving me a sympathetic look.

"If this is about the other day, then I'm sorry. I was just messing with him. I'm not really mad about any of that." I said. If Niall was truly mad at me to this degree for saying a few choice words to him, then he really had a problem. I just wanted to have a little fun.

"No, Aubrey it's not that. Niall's just been going through a lot since-" Harry started, but then stopped and gave all the other boys a look.

"An incident. He just gets very moody at times when's reminded of this incident." Liam finished for Harry. They all gave each other knowing glances as if they knew something besides that. Something was definitely up, but apparently none of them were willing to tell me. Nevertheless, it was Niall's secret so it's his to tell.

"Oh okay. Well whatever it is, it shouldn't shape his perspective of me." I stated while leaning back into the granite counter of my kitchen.

"Aubrey, you have to understand that what Niall is going through isn't something he can get over in a day and a night. He eventually will, but he needs time." Zayn said.

"I just don't want him thinking you guys ditched him for me. I mean he already hates me as it is." I said. "He probably needs his best friends around him while he's going through whatever it is." I added. Having someone by your side while going through a rough time was a definite must. Without Lauren and my aunt, I probably would have been a mess after the loss of my dad and realizing I had no more parents.

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