Chapter 19

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Aubrey's P.O.V

Over the last twelve hours, I had not only been overwhelmed with my growing feelings for Niall , but bogged down with all the thoughts surrounding his actions the previous day. He had gone from being distant and quite to talkative and affectionate, very affectionate might I add. I really did like the affectionate side of Niall because it gave me a glimpse of how it'd feel to have him as a boyfriend, but it also reminded me that this was the farthest I could go with Niall. No way in hell we could date because of the stupid situation I had drowned myself in. Although this trip to Ireland sparked up some good ideas for the first draft I had to send Ms.Lipton; hopefully she'll over look the secret thing and find his home life a lot more interesting.

Last night, Niall and I slept in the same bed, yet again, and to my dismay I couldn't bare not to curl up into his embrace. Having his arms wrapped securely around me not only created a sense of security, but all my worries seemed to fade away when I was in his presence. Ironic how Niall was the cause of my worries, though. It took every ounce of courage I had this morning to leave his warmth and comfort and get myself ready for day. We were scheduled to fly back to London later this afternoon, which meant legitimate alone time with Niall. Maybe I can finally get to the bottom of his sudden mood changes.

Currently I was washing the dishes from the dinner Niall's mother made us last night, which was absolutely mouth watering and delicious. Maura was hands down the sweetest and most kindest woman out there. I had never met anyone who was so welcoming and all around happy all the time. She even began treating me as if I were her own, and I had only been here for a mere two days. It was also nice to see Niall genuinely happy.

He and his mom had the most adorable and unbreakable bond a mother and son could ever have. They would joke around as if they were best friends, laugh at the most random things, and just talk nonsense to each other. Other times it was clear to see how much Niall cares for his mom and vice versa. Seeing this kind of tugged at my heart strings because Niall's bond with his mother was just as similar as it was to my bond with my mom. I truly missed my mom more than anything.

"Honey, yer gonna wash a hole through t'at plate if ya keep it under the water any longer," a sweet voice chuckled from behind me. Leaning my head back my assumptions were confirmed seeing Maura appear in the kitchen doorway clad in her pajamas. I gave her a weak smile before shutting the water off and turning around to face her.

"I'm sorry, just got lost in my thoughts," I said before placing the plate on the counter behind me. Maura softened her expression and walked over to the kitchen table where she motioned for me to join her.

"Lost in yer thoughts, ay? Ev'rythin' okay?" She asked me with such great concern. All this felt so foreign to me because I haven't had a motherly figure in my like for years now. I gave her a small nod before averting my gaze down to my fingers splayed across the wooden table.

"If Niall upset ya, I will go on upstairs an' give t'at boy a proper talk, he can be so-," I cut her rant off before she could continue and chuckled. "No Niall did no such thing, if anything he's done quite the opposite," I answered, honestly. And he truly had brought happiness to me. Even as just a friend he was able to comfort me and help me through my rough times.

"Coming here really made me realize how much I miss my family and all," I answered her. "It's so nice seeing how well you all get along and how close you all are despite Niall's fame and all the other crazy nonsense," I added.

"Honestly as Niall's fame grew more an' more by the day, I thought he'd forgot his true self yet here is still the same old boy t'at grew up in this very house. He likes to stick to his roots," she said as she smiled up at me. "He always makes an effort to get us all togeddur, an' even if it's get an hour he'll take it. It warms my heart to see what a man he's grown up to be," she continued before she wiped a stray tear falling out of her eye. At this point I wanted to run upstairs and tell Niall what a great son he is, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be entirely appropriate.

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