Chapter 33

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Niall's P.O.V.

Limbs intertwined, my hands continuously kept on rubbing against the small portion of skin that was revealed by her Aubrey's flimsy shirt. Soft and warm, my grip around her tightened around her front, pulling her closer into my embrace. Harry's request of attending another one of Ryan Seacrest's widely distinguished parties dragged us into a party of chaos more than celebration.

We, well more so me, ended up talking to some familiar faces there such as the likes of Ed, Justin, Selena, Ellie, etc. Every time one of them came up to me, Aubrey stood there like a deer in head lights,absolutely shocked she was face to face with other well known celebrates. Neither of us had anything to drink, cringing away from all the sloppy drunks coming our way. Last time I was crazy drunk, things with Aubrey got very ugly real fast, and I wasn't willing to ruin her New Years because I couldn't control my abnormal drinking habits. Two hours into the party, Aubrey and I decided to call it a night and head back to the hotel.

Ten in the morning, now, and I found myself wide awake, patiently waiting for the limp brown-haired girl in my arms to wake up. With her back pressed against my front, I felt her began to wriggle against my grasp causing a small grin to form across my face. Craning my neck, along with my head, I noticed her brows were furrowed together as if she were deep in thought in whatever it was she was dreaming/thinking. Her hair was sprawled out all over the pillow, a bit of spilling over to my forehead.

My inspection of her sleeping state came to a half as soon as I felt a sharp pain against my thigh. "What the hell," I muttered as I poked my head under the blanket to find an explanation as to what just happened. I felt as if a brick had forcefully been whipped at my thigh- believe me it hurt a lot. Another wave of pain hit me once I laid my head back against my pillow. Except this time it was against my calf, the one that Aubrey had her leg snaked around.

"Aubrey, wake up, before ya kill me," I said while shaking her shoulder. If her constant blows of pain continued any longer, my entire body would be decorated in bruises. Aubrey seemed to ignore my request, continuing to shuffle her legs around me. In an attempt to hold her off, I brought my hands down to her waist, gripping each side to keep her still. At first this seemed to work, but five seconds later she let out a bear like groan before pulling herself off of me.

"What in the world is wrong with ya?" I chuckled as I looked at her perplexed expression. She flashed me a dirty look before hauling the entire blanket over her.

"Yer not hungover ar' ya? Ya didn't even drink anythin' unless someone spiked yer punch.." I trailed off, feeling a slight shiver run up legs at the loss of the blanket's previous warmth. Fuck you, Aubrey.

"No." She grumbled out before tightening her grip on the blanket.

"Tell me what's wrong then," I insisted. Her previous simple response put me at ease, because I was afraid something like that happened; never know what happens at those crazy parties Harry drags me to. Aubrey rolled herself so she was facing me, still wrapped around in the blanket.

"Ya look like yer a little caterpillar all cocooned up t' become a beautiful butterfly." I couldn't help the laughter that left my mouth as I took in the sight of her all wrapped up.

"You're not funny, whatsoever," Miss Grumpy replied.

"I thought t'at was fuckin' hilarious," I said as I propped myself on my arm against the weight of the mattress. Not finding my little comedian act funny, she rolled her eyes at me before knitting her brows together in what seemed like pain.

"My insides feel like they're being mauled by a ferocious grizzly bear while simultaneously being set on fire." Woah, a bit extreme but holy hell that doesn't enjoyable whatsoever. Now I understood what her problem was, reminding me again why I was so thankful to be a guy.

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