Chapter 28

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Niall's P.O.V.

        Girlfriend. Aubrey was officially my girlfriend. If I had been asked if I would ever date again, I would have laughed straight in that person's face. If I had been asked if I would ever date Aubrey, I would have laughed even harder. Upon first meeting Aubrey, I thought she was a complete bitch if I'm being honest. She came off as this girl who wanted nothing more to do her job and stay closed off. Over time as I got to know her, I realized that was just her way of avoiding disappointments or stress or whatever problems had come her way in the past.

Aubrey no longer was the stubborn and irritable girl I had initially seen her as. Instead, she was a beautiful, caring, and intelligent young woman. Not once did she give up on me after all the shit I put her through. Despite it all, she still stuck around right by my side, and God was i thankful I could call this gorgeous girl sleeping in my arms mine.

Last night had gone a lot better than I expected. Once the question had escaped my lips, I wanted to take the words straight back because I didn't want to make her feel as though it was an obligation to agree to be my girlfriend. By all means it was all her choice, and as soon as the smile appeared one her face, I swear I felt happier than a child receiving their dream gift on Christmas.

After a little heated kiss in the middle of Times Square, Aubrey and I walked around the crowded city block, doing a bit of window shopping in the process. Although, it had seemed like my mind was in the mindset of admiring all the glamorous lights and decorations of the city, all I could really focus on was the growing fuzzy feeling inside me. I didn't know how to exactly describe this feeling; it certainly wasn't love, but it definitely wasn't hate either. I saw it as a happy medium between the two.

We had returned back to her home in the early hours of the morning, the two of us tired to do anything more than sleep. With a small peck against my lips, Aubrey fell fast asleep in the comforts of my arms. Only a few minutes had passed by before I, too, was consumed in the world of slumber.

Seven hours later, or however long I slept for, I was wide awake with my back leaned up against Aubrey's bed's headboard as Aubrey lay cuddled into my chest. One of her arms was completely strewn across my torso, while the other one was tucked in under body, while her hair was entirely thrown towards the opposite side of bed. She looked so peaceful as she calmly breathed against the fabric of my shirt. Moments later, she began squirming in my grasp before her eyes entirely opened.

"Mornin' sleepin' beauty," I chuckled looking down at her disheveled state.

"Hm, good morning," she mumbled before bringing out the arm under her to prop herself up on the bed. "Why are you up so early?" She yawned.

"I dunno, jus' got enough sleep last night," I shrugged. "Besides, isn't it like nine sumthin?" I asked as I leaned my head back to look at the clock she had hanging in the corner of her room.

"Nine is considered early in my book," she replied as she laid her head back on my chest. All I could do was laugh at her serious attitude she kept up for waking up "early."

"We can jus' lay in bed until we have t' leave t'night," I added, as I ran a hand through her hair. In response she snuggled further into my chests followed by a loud groan.

"Don't even remind me," Aubrey grumbled. Tonight we were heading to our next stop, which was Chicago, meaning we were half way done with the U.S. portion of the tour. We weren't performing in as many cities as we usually did this tour since this was a reunion tour. As much as we hated it, we could only play a few cities in the countries that were on the agenda.

"C'mon, we'll have tons 'f fun, plus you'll be with me," I said as I gave her hand a squeeze, which caused her to lift her head off my chest.

"Are you sure that's a good thing?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

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