Chapter 22

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

Bitter sweetness was the only emotion that could accurately describe my emotions throughout the past month. It seemed surreal to me how a month had basically whirled past me so quickly. As the end of the month had slowly approached, my nerves gradually got jumbled up with each passing day. Touring with the boys was definitely something that sounded exciting and uplifting, but that also meant I had to focus on my stupid article. There was no way any of this was going to end in any way remotely close to happy.

On the other hand, a month had passed since Niall and I had become whatever it was we were. Despite the lack of a label, the past four weeks had been the best ones of my life so far. Niall was the definition of perfect-he was funny, caring, understanding, and how can I forget insanely cute? Throughout the past few weeks we've spent together, he always found a way to leave me awestruck and speechless. Be it the little comments he'd whisper into my ear before he kissed me good bye, or his beautiful angelic and melodic voice as he sang me to sleep during our late night talks over the phone.

Every little thing he would do, he would always make sure I was okay with. Random texts like "I miss ya" or some horrible joke Harry told him would surprise me in the midst of my days. It was clear Niall made me very very happy and sometimes his sweetness scared me. Never in my life had someone shown so much care for me, especially someone like Niall. This was al foreign to me, and I was forever nervous because I never wanted this to run out.

Even though we didn't have the official label as boyfriend and girlfriend, it definitely felt like it although no one knew about us being together besides Lauren. Of course she was going to be the first person I had told, I mean she was my best friend. Her reaction to the news was priceless to say the least. There was definitely a solid two minutes where my ears were filled with nothing but her high pitched screams; I think my hearing still might be recovering from that day. Nonetheless, it was so nice seeing her happy for me and approving of my decisions. Lauren's opinions mattered most to me, next to my aunt's and Adam's of course, but having her support definitely calmed my nerves about furthering my relationship with Niall.

Niall didn't want any of the boys finding out about us, specifically Liam, mainly because he wanted me to feel relaxed and untouched during the tour. It was definitely a nice gesture on his part, but it honestly didn't matter to me if his friends knew. But if that was what he wanted, then there was no arguing from my side because I knew he was still recovering and I wanted him to take every measure he had to in order to be one hundred percent better.

"Aubrey, ar' ya even payin' attention?" the blonde's voice startled me from my thoughts. Niall and I were cuddled up against his couch watching his recording of the Derby game from earlier. Pretty positive he almost had a heart attack when he found out he wasn't able to make it home in time to watch it. Today all the boys had their last rehearsal of the month before we all venture off to our first stop: Pasadena, California. Apparently the tour this year was backwards, where the boys start in North America and end in London.

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm just thinking is all," I smiled up at him. He had one arm propped against the arm of the couch while his other was securely wrapped around my waist as I laid my head against his chest, a position the two of us had grown attached to.

" 'Bout the our?" he raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. This would be the perfect time to come clean with Niall and tell him what I really was writing about, but there was a growing fear in the back of my mind yelling at me to shut my mouth. I had even surprised myself with the fact that I managed to keep it hidden from him this past entire month. One day I'll build up the guts and courage to tell him, hopefully soon.

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