Chapter 24

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Niall's P.O.V.

"Hey," I heard the constant voice echoing throughout my head. It's been repeated for about five times in the past minute or so, and I'm basically I'm half a second away from drop kicking whoever the hell it is. I buried my head further into my pillow before letting out a loud groan.

"You know hugging that pillow any stronger will burst the entire thing open," Liam's matter fact of voice registered through my head. Upon realizing that Liam was back in our room, that sent red flags all over my mind. Panic overtook my entire body as I remained frozen in my spot, sprawled across my bed. All I could hope for was that Aubrey successfully managed to head back to her room before any of the other lads saw her. Boy, would they have a field day with that.

With every ounce of energy I could muster up, I managed to roll myself around on the bed to face Liam. He stood right in front of my side of the bed with his arms firmly folded across his chest. My eyes quickly averted to the alarm clock on the night stand, which read ten-thirty. I never usually slept in this late when I went to bed early. Aubrey and I had gone to bed at around ten p.m. which was considered pretty early for my sleep schedule. Why the hell wasn't I up before? More importantly why was Liam up? Usually he sleeps in until about one in the afternoon after a crazy night at the club.

"Why the hell ar' ya up?" I grumbled as I sat myself up against the headboard of the bed. Sleep was still prevalent in my mind, and all I wanted to do was switch Liam with Aubrey and stay in bed with her all day. Last night was probably one of the best and most relaxing nights I've enjoyed in months. Not only did the first show of the tour rock, but Aubrey and I had progressed in our relationship, in more ways than one. I loved reaching an intimate level with her because I wanted to show her I was in this for the right reasons. She wasn't some rebound girl or a person on the side. I was willingly to give her my all if she would stick around.

"I had some coffee and I'm wide awake. Can't I talk to my best pal?" He innocently pouted at at me. His childish like behavior resulted in me rolling my eyes at him before letting out a snort.

"I wanna talk to you about some things?" Oh god. Internally cursing, I brought a hand to cover my face before I slowly and painfully dragged it down my face to indicate I had no interest in listening. Liam was bound to give me yet another lecture about opening up and straying away from Aubrey. The usual.

"Liam can t'is please wait?" I whined. Now I was the one who was acting like a child. He simply shook his head at me before he walked over to the corner of the room and dragged over one of the chairs all the way next to my bed. Apparently I was having no say in this, despite the fact he phrased his statement in more of a question. Sometimes Liam sent my entire mind into a frenzy, but I guess that's what your best friends do.

"Okay talk," I said followed after a long yawn.

"So I haven't told any of the others yet, and I wanted to tell you first because you're almost the first I tell everything to," he started. At his statement, I couldn't help but feel a small grin tugging at my lips. Even if at times it seemed like Liam and I were at each other's throats, we shared such a great bond of friendship that I was forever grateful. Out of all the lads, he was the one that stuck by my side with Grace's death, which explains why he's so protective of my actions and feelings now.

"Mm go on," I urged, anticipation was flooding my mind like crazy. His expression seemed really serious and determined when he started, so I knew this was definitely something I should be attentive with.

"I'm going to ask Sophia to marry me," he spoke. If I had to bet on who the next to get married after Zayn, it would have definitely been Liam. Strange as it may sound, his relationship with Sophia was one of a fairytale. They were both match made in heaven, it would easily show just by the way they looked at each other. Grace and I didn't even compare to them.

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