Chapter 10

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Niall's P.O.V.

         A million and one thoughts clouded my mind as I bolted out of Liam's flat to find Aubrey. Everyone probably thought I've turned into some crazy lunatic based off the way I've been acting lately. Aubrey's presence made me feel the strangest of ways, which scared the shit out of me to be honest. The most preposterous of houghts would flood my mind every time I encountered her. There was no telling how good or bad this would end up for me.

Upon reaching the end of Liam's street, I tried to rack my brain as to where the hell she could have run off to. I had expected her to be sat on the bench right outside Liam's building, but of course she wasn't there. Surprise, surprise. This girl needed a manual to come with her. She was so impossible to figure out, let alone talk to her. To make matters even worse I managed to fuck up every chance I got to fix things. I wasn't entirely sure why I was so concerned with fixing things with her. If I wanted to be completely honest, Aubrey was a right bitch, but I wasn't any nicer towards her either. I guess we both balanced each other out.

Making my way down the row of shops and restaurants, I tried my best to not make myself seem like some sort of stalker or creep. Luckily, it was late at night or else I wouldn't dare step foot in this center of town without a body guard. Many memories flashed through my mind as I continued my walk down the block. Not only memories associated with the band, but with Grace. Her favorite places were all located within a few feet of each other. Although I occasionally found it annoying when she would drag me down here with her, it was one of the many things that made me fall in love with her. I'd give anything to just have one more moment with her.

I had made it to the end of,yet,another street but there was still no sign of Aubrey. My worries started to get the best of me as I became panicked that she got lost in a city that she has no clue about. On top of everything else, my phone was completely dead so I couldn't call her nor any of the other boys. There was only one last place I had yet to check, but it was the last place I wanted to step foot.

Five minutes later, I found myself entering the park where some of the best memories of my life were formed: Franklin Park. It was a quaint little park with exotic sculptures and trees of sorts of colors. Not even ten feet into the park, I came across the bench; the one Grace was sitting at a little over three years ago.

*A little over three years ago*

I picked up my pace as I balanced two bakery bags in one hand, while the other hand was preoccupied with a Styrofoam cup holder filled with four smoothies. It was Tuesday, which meant it was my turn to get the lads and I breakfast. As I made my way out of the crowded center, I silently cursed myself for not agreeing to Paul driving me.

Spotting a park entrance, I quickly changed my route, thinking it would make my arrival much quicker. The park was amazing, to say the least. Everything about it was beautiful. I was surprised how I had never been here before, seeing as I've lived here for almost four years. My thoughts were quickly cut short when I heard the crashing of two things followed by a loud splashing noise. I found myself that I had stumbled into something, well more like someone.

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