Chapter 6

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     Hectic was the only word that could describe how my day has been going. Inviting the boys over for dinner wasn't meant to stress me out beyond belief, but being the paranoid and cautious person I am, I had to worry about every single detail, whether it be how to set the table to what dessert to serve first. It seemed pointless to worry so much about tonight, but the boys have done so much for me all ready; I wanted to thank them, even if it was just dinner.

Another part of me stressing about tonight was Niall. I mean I barely knew the guy, but that's what was bugging me. For some reason, I found myself trying to dig a bigger hole than the one I already was in with him. Obviously, he hated my guts, but I didn't want to be perceived as a selfish bitch in front of him. I guess I just hoped to prove him wrong and show him that person he saw as me wasn't really me.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, my ringtone blared through my apartment signaling me to drop the parsley I was currently chopping and run to my room. Looking at the caller I.D., the number had an area code only specific to New York. I still had yet to transfer all my contacts from my old phone to the new one I recently bought. Before answering, I made a mental note to do that some time later today.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi sweetie. How's London treating you?" my aunt sweetly asked. I've only been gone for four days and I already missed her and Adam like crazy. We skyped the first night I landed, but other than that I haven't had the time to do anything remotely pertaining to myself. Getting settled took a lot more work and time than expected.

"Wonderful. The city is fantastic and I just got settled into my new place, which is amazing." I gushed. I would have never thought that I would ever get my first place in an entirely different country than my own. Crazy how things work out for the better.

"That's great to hear. And how are things going with work?"

"They're good. Liam is such an easy going guy and I already have a lot of ideas to work with. I'm meeting with someone on the book committee Friday to see how we want to start things." I replied. Meeting with this committee was another stressor to add to my list. I was beyond nervous to discuss everything regarding the book and whatever else they felt necessary to bring up. Mrs.Hathaway seemed a lot less intimidating than a giant book corporation.

"Wow look at you,  soon you'll be getting five star reviews from the New York Times." my aunt proudly said.

"Yeah right. Maybe in my dreams." I scoffed. Writing was my passion, but nonetheless I never thought of my writing more than something that expressed the person I am. I never felt the need to write to please others or seek attention, just for my enjoyment. Sharing my ideas with others was a different a story. It's nice to see what others have to say about your work, but all it is is a matter of opinion.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Aubrey. You're giving yourself less credit than you deserve." my aunt said bringing me back to reality.

"I know, but it's whatever. Anyways how have you and Adam been?" I asked.

"Good, he's at school now. I was going to call earlier but I wasn't sure about thw time difference. I decided to see if you'd pick up before I went to headed out for work." she chuckled. I had completely forgotten that New York was five hours behind London, which meant it was about 11:30 there since it was 4:30 here.

"Maybe I should have warned you guys. Well anyways give him a big kiss for me and tell him I miss him tons."

"Of course sweetie. I have to head to work now and beat the traffic rush. Just wanted to check up on you, Aubs." I could hear her rustling around for her purse and keys, typical Aunt Ro. Her mind was always jumbled, but I admire her so much for everything she does for my brother and I.

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