Chapter 9

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       An overwhelming feeling of desolation took over me as I threw myself back, hitting the soft blankets covering my bed. It had been four days since my incident with Niall, and I had not only talked to him but none of the other boys as well. I needed time for myself to calm down and get my thoughts together. Niall not only had triggered something so near and dear to me, but he had ignited the flame that I had been desperately trying to put out for years. Anytime I tried to make myself better and focus on the positives in my life, something had to ruin the process. In this case, it was Niall's ignorance.

To be fair, he had lost someone very close to him as well, but the fact that he was only thinking about himself and his feelings was what threw me off. He never took the time to focus on the positives, rather than the negatives. He should have been thankful for the people around him, that were there to comfort him and help him through his rough patch. Instead he just lived in the past, refusing to let go and move on with his life. A few years back, I would have longed for the support of others to help me cope with my loss. All I had was Adam and my aunt. Even with them by my side, it was hard to pour my feelings out and feel satisfied.

Sighing, I forced myself away from the comfort of my own bed and headed towards my desk in the corner of my room. If I was ever going to turn this article in on time, I needed to start soon, preferably now. All I had so far were the first couple of questions that I had asked Liam about general topics. I wanted to get more personal, so I could give a more of a connection to readers rather than them read a bunch of generic bull shit.

For now, though, I had to work with what I had. It was already almost eleven at night here, so I doubt Liam would be up for a quick interview over the phone. Minutes later, I found myself staring at only two whole sentences. Writer's block was definitely taking over my mind at the moment. Deciding to continue writing tomorrow, I saved my work and slammed my laptop shut. 

Unlocking my phone, I noticed I had three unread messages. Two were from Lauren saying she couldn't Skype tonight because she had a twenty page paper due the next day, and she was only two pages in. Typical Lauren, always putting things off until the last minute. Unlike her, I made it a priority to get things done as soon as I possibly could. Another reason why I was so frustrated with myself for not writing much. I guess I just needed a little more time for some inspiration.

The third message was from an unknown number, but clearly from London considering it had the same area code Liam's had. Tapping the message open, it read:

hey aubs, jus wanted t apologize again for the other day. m'sorry


Furrowing my eyebrows together, I couldn't help but become confused as to why Niall apologized to me, especially this long afterwards. One of the boys probably found out what happened and told him to apologize to me again. I doubt he honestly cared whether or not I forgave him. He didn't seem like the type to really care for anyone else that wasn't directly involved in his everyday life.

That message had been sent only a few hours ago. Seeing it was as late as it was, I decided there was no point in replying. It's not that I didn't want to forgive Niall, but I wanted to distance myself from him because the more I saw him, the more aggravated and irritated I would get with him. That was something I had wanted to completely avoid. I ended up deleting the message and completely blocked out the fact that he even texted me in the first place.

After making sure all my doors and windows were locked, I turned off the lights and headed off to bed. Before pulling the covers over me, I grabbed my phone to set my alarm to wake me up tomorrow. As I was setting the time, someone started calling me. Not even paying attention to the number, I slid my finger across the screen to answer.

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