Chapter 34

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

Another half hour ticked by as I blankly stared at my computer screen for what seemed the umpteenth time this month. Niall's name stared back at me with the sharp black letters making me feel as if daggers were constantly being dragged in and out of my heart. All I had written down was the beginning sentence typed up which gave me hope that I could possibly turn this into something other than Ms.Lipton's ridiculous plea of idiocy. But it didn't matter how clever of an idea I mustered up, she would loathe it just as much as she loathed me- as if that wasn't enough for me already.

Niall Horan: a name strewn across the world in a variety of ways whether it be from hormonal teenage tweets to the esteemed beholden praises all around the world.

To anyone this would have looked like a concrete start to my task, intriguing and mysterious at that. But I was the one who knew what was to follow in the coming paragraphs or pages, however much fluff I decided to add to the beginning. There was so much I wanted to talk about, be it from the way Niall changed since the day I actually talked to him to every cherished moment I spent with him as one of the sweetest and most genuine people I have ever met. All of the notes I had typed up from the many questions I asked him only served me as a guide of where I wanted to go with the topic, and only very few details applied to Ms.Lipton's requests. And yet again, I was standing in front of a brick wall with no way around it, or over it for that matter.

Brazil was one of the many places I had always dreamt of visiting, with all of its exotic flora and fauna along with its rich and popping culture. Once all of us had gotten on the plane last night, all the boys, especially Niall and Harry seemed beyond ecstatic to get to Brazil. As soon as I stepped foot off of the plane, even though it was about four morning, I was stunned by the beauty of Rio Dijanaro. Instead of going out and exploring the city for myself, I stayed inside trying to come up with something convincing to show Ms.Lipton that I wasn't dilly dallying. To my dismay, all I've gotten done in the past few hours was a sentence.

Capturing me out of my thoughts, my phone was going ballistic as it repeatedly vibrated across the marble surface of the table. Some relief washed over me as I noticed Lauren was calling me. "Hello?" I answered, already knowing who it is.

"Hola chica! How's Brazil treating you?" Lauren answered with so much energy. Another thing I envied about my best friend was her ability to stay so cheery and jumpy all the time. I couldn't wrap my head around how she managed to stay so energetic so often.

Chuckling at her greeting, I replied, "It's going well. I'm waiting for the boys to come back so I can head over to the stadium with them." Tonight the boys were playing at one of the biggest stadiums on their entire tour, and I swear I have never seen Niall more excited. Every time he brought it up to me, his eyes would glimmer so beautifully as if he were picturing it in front of him all over again.

"So you're telling me you stayed back at the hotel when you could be exploring one of the seven wonders of the world with your sexy boyfriend?" She gasped.

"Lauren, I don't need to be with Niall twenty-four seven. We see each other enough as it is," I truthfully answered. Niall and I saw each other on a daily basis meaning if we stayed in each other's faces for any longer, we'd surely explode from seeing each other so much. Space was something very essential, in my opinion, especially in relationships.

"God Aubrey, you're so stupid sometimes." As bad as it sounds, Lauren's said this to me so many times that I could vividly picture the expression all over her face right now.

"Stop rolling your eyes, I know I am," I breathed out. "Everyone is, aren't they?" I added in an attempt to defend myself.

"To a certain extent yes," she reasoned. "That in mind, have you told Niall yet?" Lauren asked with her motherly tone she always used to make me feel bad about my "poor" decisions.

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