Chapter 20

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

Mucous and all sorts of other sickening germs clogged up my nose as I struggled to breathe out. Everything in my body ached all over, and my constant coughing and sneezing wasn't really helping the cause either. A head cold must have gotten through me because I was completely fine, besides all those mushy feelings Niall gave me. Speaking of which, he still hasn't called me. Not that I minded in all honesty because his sudden actions of affection have not only been catching me off guard, but they were messing with my head.

As much as I hated to admit to myself, kissing Niall was something I could never turn down, let alone not crave. His kisses were so sweet and gentle, filled with so much passion and emotion. Despite the fact Niall wasn't directly telling me his feelings, because I knew he was frustrated just as much me with his feelings, I knew he felt something towards me. Hell,he even initiated that kiss yesterday. Obviously it meant something, or at least I hope so.

Once I got home and put all my things back to their designated spot, I called my aunt to check up on her and Adam. I had missed the two very dearly, and considering all the chaos going on in my life lately I rarely got the chance to talk to them. It felt so relieving and relaxing to finally get a little taste of home, even if it was through the phone. Honestly, the moment I get the 'ok' to go home and visit, I'd have myself at the airport and off to New York in less than an hour. For now, I would have to settle for phone calls and Skype dates seeing as Ms.Lipton hasn't answered any of my emails.

In a way I was sort of relieved because I didn't want to think about the interview at the same time I was contemplating my feelings for Niall. Things would only get a million times more complicated, and that was something I totally didn't need in my life right now. Complications came at me, left and right, the biggest one being Niall. I told myself I didn't want to be that girl who sits in her bed all day and waits for "the call," but seeing as I was running a fever I really had no other choice.

Not too long ago I had started making myself some tea to try to clear up my congested chest and nose, but in the midst of filling the kettle I realized I had no more tea. Due to my absence from my home for about three days, I barely had anything in my house, and I was in no state to leave my house for some tea. So, I ended up settling for some atrocious tasting and smelling cough medicine. Even if it tasted vile, I could feel its effects wearing off on me.

Right as I leaned my head back down on my pillow to take what seemed my tenth nap today, I heard my doorbell ring. Assuming it was probably the mailman delivering a package for me, I just ignored it since he'd probably just leave the package outside or come back another day. Another ring to my bell sounded through my apartment causing me to groan into my pillow. In all fairness I had no strength in me to physically get up and open the door.

Deciding to ignore whoever it was, I let myself snuggle deeper into my blankets. Just as I thought I was free from distractions, my phone vibrated twice against my night stand. I lazily reached over to grab my phone before I unlocked it to see two unread messages from Niall.

From: Niall

Open the fucking door, I don't have all day t stand

From: Niall

Please :)

He's really lucky he added that "please" at the end or else he would be standing out there a lot longer than a few minutes. Who am I kidding? I've been dying to see him since we shared that breath taking kiss yesterday. After taking a deep breath, I managed to drag myself out of bed all the way to my front door.

Before I reached to open the door handle, I sniffled a bit to make sure there weren't any boogers sticking out of my nose making me look any worse than I already did. Of all the times for Niall to show up, he had to now. Luck was definitely favoring me today, note the sarcasm.

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