Chapter 7

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Niall's P.O.V.

     "Shit." I muttered under my breath as I made my way down the side walk out of Aubrey's apartment complex. Out of all people to knock out in front of, it had to be her. Not only had I been a complete ass to her, but I had completely ignored her question and ran out on her after all her help last night. Just the thought of anyone bringing up the topic of Grace made me shiver, let alone someone personally ask me about her. All this thinking made me want to stop in the middle of the street and puke my guts out. Usually, I never suffered from a severe hangover, just a light headache or an upset stomach. Today was a different story. My head was pounding as if it had been hit by a brick or something and my stomach felt as if it were on fire. Maybe going to the club was a bad idea, but as usual I needed an escape from reality.

Picking up my pace, I ran to the first taxi I saw in the street and hopped in. I needed to talk to someone and there was only one person who could help me, but he sure wasn't going to be happy with me. Liam and I had always been the closest out of all the other lads. We are all as close as brothers, but Liam and I had always had some sort of connection. Whenever there was something wrong with one of us, the other could immediately sense it. Plus, out of all the lads, Liam was the one that put me in line when I wasn't.

Thankfully, I still had a couple pounds left in my pocket so I could afford to pay the taxi driver. Again, I had been stupid enough to leave my wallet along with my phone in the glove box of my car, which was all the way across town. As I got out of the taxi, I made a mental note to have Liam drive me over to the club to get my car. Making my way up to Liam's flat, I was afraid of how he would react to my recent actions. This wasn't the first time I had screwed up and showed up at Liam's doorstep. Every time Grace and I had a fight, Liam was always the first to find out about it, but he was also the first to fix things so I guess things balanced out.

Instead of knocking, I just pulled out the spare key that Liam had given me considering the fact, I spent more time at his flat than my own. Twisting his door knob, I stepped in expecting to see him in his usual spot; laying on his couch glued to his phone or laptop. Instead, I found nothing but a few scattered throw pillows.

"Liam?" I called as I walked into his living room. Silence was all I heard. His car was parked in the driveway so he was definitely home. He was probably sleeping in since he stayed at the club a lot longer than I had, obviously. Nearing his bedroom, I heard a few muffled noises that sounded as if someone were in pain. Assuming he left the t.v. on in his room last night, I barged into his room. I definitely should have knocked before I opened that door.

In front of me was Sophia, Liam's girlfriend, sprawled out over his bed, naked with her hands covering each of her boobs. Liam, on the other hand, had his back to me with his head buried between Sophia's legs. It took me all of two seconds to process the fact that I had just walked in on one of my best friends eating out his naked girlfriend. Sophia's eyes went wide as soon as she looked up and noticed my figure in the doorway.

"Holy shit!" I yelled out as I backed out and shut the door before Liam could even notice what was going on. My day couldn't get any worse now.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Niall?" Liam yelled as he came out of his room, having covered himself in only a towel. I couldn't help but laugh at his lack of clothing.

"Nice cover up." I snickered as I pointed to his towel. Liam didn't seem pleased with my joked and just continued to glare at me. "Anyways, I came 'cause I need yer help." I sighed.

"What could you possibly need my help with that you had to barge into my room at bloody nine in the morning?" Liam said, looking up at the clock on the wall opposite of us.

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