Chapter 30

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Niall's P.O.V.

Disoriented and light headed, I dragged myself out of my bed and headed straight towards the bathroom. Upon entering, I turned on the faucet, watching the water rapidly pour out, before cupping my hands under it. Five face splashes later, I grabbed one of the many white towels from the shelf and dried my face. After I dried my face off, I took a look a look at my reflection in the mirror causing me to stumble back a bit.

Blood shot eyes, tussled hair, shirt wrinkled- everything that I was seeing just added more to my hazed mind. What the hell did I do last night? Aubrey and I were supposed to spend our night at the pier, not get wasted at some bar. In my current state, I wasn't even sure of last night's events besides hanging out at the bar with Harry and Louis. Questions continued to roam my head as I walked back to the comforts of my bed. Maybe some memories from last night will slowly make their way back to my mind.

Liam must have woken up between the time I got up and came back from the bathroom. "Morning sunshine," he said, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"My head hurts," I groaned as I threw myself back on the bed.

"I thought you could hold your drinks," Liam replied as he flipped his body on the bed in order to face me. Me too, Liam, I thought I could handle my drinks.

"Apparently not last night," I replied, reaching for my phone on the nightstand. No new messages from Aubrey or any sort of contact was displayed on my phone, adding more to my pounding headache. She was probably still asleep since it was only nine, which was "early" in her book. Hopefully by the time she wakes up this horrible headache will have gone.

"How's Sophia?" I asked Liam, trying to get my mind to actually focus.

"She's good, misses me as usual and vice versa," he chuckled before letting that love sick smile take over his face. Liam and Sophia's relationship never failed to make me smile because I could see the compassion and care they both held for each other. And the fact that he was proposing made me even happier because I knew this was something he was wanting for a while now.

"We were skyping for a bit last night, but I cut it a bit short to go check up on Aubrey." My ears perked up as soon as her name left his mouth. Why did he need to go check up on her? Last I checked she was completely healthy and nothing was wrong. Worry began to consume my body as my thoughts started to get the best of me.

"Aubrey? What's wrong with 'er?" I asked, concern lacing my voice. Liam raised an eyebrow at me before replying, "After Zayn and I got back last night, we found her on her bed hysterically crying. Poor girl." WHAT? Aubrey was crying, how? Weren't the two of us together all of last night? I could have sworn we saw each other after I came back from the bar to pick her up.

"Why was she cryin'?" I asked, trying to make it seem I was indifferent to the topic. Realistically, I wanted to run down the hall, sweep her in my arms, and comfort her. Whatever was making her cry must have been something very brutal. Aubrey rarely ever cries in front of anyone unless it was someone she was completely comfortable with, like me.

"She wouldn't say, just kept crying. I tried getting her to tell me what was wrong, but she kept shaking her head." Shit, something real bad to have happened if she wasn't talking. I hope everything at home with her brother and aunt was okay.

"I didn't stay much longer because Zayn said it'd be better if she tried to get some sleep." Liam added.

"I should probably go check on 'er, make sure ev'rythin is okay, ya know?" I said as I jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of my sweatpants I found on the floor.

"Niall, I don't think she's in the mood to see anyone," Liam said.

"Ar' ya really doin' t'is right now? I'm not goin' t' flirt with 'er if t'at's what yer thinkin'." I rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed my a hoodie out of my suitcase.

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