Chapter 25

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Niall's P.O.V.

Satisfied with the turn out of the last run of "Girl Almighty", the lads and I were given the rest of the day off. Thank god, because I could really use some relaxing time after having to perform three nights in a row. Don't get me wrong, I lived for the crowd and making them scream their lungs out, but there comes a time where I literally become drained of all my energy. Our next show wasn't scheduled for another week due to the American holiday of Thanksgiving coming up, therefore in the time being we had some time to relax in good ol' Vegas.

Aubrey had seemed very distant and quiet for the past few days. While I performed on stage, I could see her out of the corner of my eye flashing me a weak smile, but nonetheless it was a smile that was directed towards me. I couldn't ask for anything more at the moment. Although, it did bug me that she wasn't being her usual self, even around me. Ever since she found out the news about her aunt, she's kept herself closed off from the entire world.

Whenever any of the lads tried to talk to her, she would answer them very quickly and briefly, not even looking their way. She would barely say anything more to me. Due to the circumstances, I didn't even have that much time alone with her because I didn't want any of the lads being suspicious of us. Except I had a small nagging voice in the back of my head yelling at me that at least one of the boys was in suspicious, even in the slightest. As long as Liam doesn't find out now, I'm safe, for now.

"You look deep in thought? Everything okay?" Harry asked as he patted my shoulder right after we got ourselves settled in the car. Liam, Zayn, and Louis had decided to go do some shopping for their significant others, while Harry and I went back to the hotel.

"Jus' tryin' t'ink where I can get some mugs from," I replied as I sent a quick message to Mark telling him to find me a hotel room with a fireplace inside it. Tonight I wanted to get Aubrey's mind off of all the stress that was weighing her down. Her smile wasn't as genuine as it usually was, and I wanted to bring it back. Maybe a little cozy night in is all she needed to relax, plus I would get to relax, but obviously that wasn't the point of this whole thing.

"Mugs? Why do you need mugs?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Me mam want'd me t' send 'er sum," I lied. Hopefully, I'd be able to get past Harry's suspicions. I really didn't need any more obstacles in my way.

"Niall, your mum has cups galore in her house. Have you forgotten I spent an entire week there?" He retorted before lightly shoving my shoulder. God damn it, something has to come up every single time.

"Now tell me the real reason why you want mugs," he empathized the "s" at the end, meaning he knew it was clearly for more than one person.

"Can't a guy jus' want t' drink his coffee out 'f a quality cups instead 'f stupid foam cups?" I replied convincingly.

"Mhmm Horan, that's definitely it," he threw his head back laughing. No matter what I said, I knew there was no convincing him of anything I came up with. To be honest, I was actually running out of excuses.

"Quit bein' a tosser an' tell me. Ya know yer way better 'round here," I said, turning my head to face his, which was filled with amusement.

"Just stop at gift shop downstairs in the hotel, they have all kinds of things. Almost anything that comes to mind is there," he answered once he came down from his laughing fit. I nodded my head in acknowledgment before looking down at my phone to see Mark had replied to my last message.

"Even for all your romantic date needs," Harry added as I was in the middle of typing the list of things I wanted Mark to pick up for me. My head immediately snapped to face Harry, whom had a giant smirk on his face.

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