Chapter 36

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Niall's P.O.V.

"Argentina!" Mine and Harry's voice roared across the expanse of the airport our plane just landed in. Blurred lights clouded my vision as I stepped off the plane and onto the stairs leading to the cart that was taking us back to the terminal. Buenos Aires was at the top of my list when it came to my favorite South American cities. Just the city's name itself was magnificent. Not to mention the city truly lived up to its name providing such a pleasant environment.

With my spirits so highly lifted, I couldn't think of anything that could possibly kill my joyful mood. Now that both of our feeling s were out there in the open, Aubrey and I were happier than ever. I couldn't ever fight the smile that came across my face every time I looked at her and noticed the glimmer in her eyes shine brighter than ever. The fact that I was the reason behind that admiring look gave me all the reassurance I needed that she truly did in fact love me with everything in her. Finally, after all these months of pain and suffering, I could slowly feel myself, my heart as well, putting itself back together.

Positive Niall Horan was finally fully resurfacing, and it was all thanks to Aubrey. If it wasn't for her constant pestering to quit the cigarettes, occasional drugs, and excessive drinking, I'd most likely still be my old and depressed self I was after Grace's death. But now I had Aubrey, who was bringing out a side in me that I didn't even know existed in me. Last night, in my dressing room, made me feel so much more connected to her in more ways than one. In that moment, I realized how much I truly valued her presence in my life.

"Can you guys shut up? I just want to sleep," Zayn whined as I we adjusted ourselves on the cart. Seven in the evening, and the sun looked like it was about to begin setting. Another one of my favorite things about being here was all the beautiful scenery infused with all the liveliness of the city. Sleeping didn't seem to exist here; the streets never became empty.

"You can sleep in like twenty minutes you big baby," Harry taunted back as we reached the terminal. Aubrey, Liam, and Louis met us shortly since there was only enough room for three people in each one. After retrieving my backpack from the trunk, I made my way towards Aubrey who seemed she was lost in a complete other world.

"Lost?" I amusingly teased her as she lazily reached out for her bag. Her face lifted a bit before I got greeted with what probably was the millionth death glare she's given since we've met. For the record, that does include the looks she gave me after I stupidly bumped into her taxi.

"No, I'm just tired," She yawned as she brought her hand up in an attempt to repress it.

"Did I wear ya out t'at much last night?" I snickered as I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Once Aubrey and I had dressed ourselves after last night, we headed back to the hotel with Mark, and went for another two rounds draining the energy out of the both of us until it was time to board the plane to get here. Cliché as it seemed, I just couldn't get enough of her. Our bodies molded against each other in the most perfect way, and the feeling of my body against hers just drove me to a whole another level.

"You really are a jerk, I hate you," Aubrey muttered as we stepped outside into the airport's back exit where our entourage was waiting for us.

"Ya were screamin' t'is jerk's name all night so I beg t' differ, babe," I teased. I knew I was pushing it, but a little fun never hurt anyone. No reply, Aubrey pulled herself away from me and climbed into the back seat of the car. In tow, I followed her and cuddled myself up against her. The rest of the lads piled themselves in front of us before the car took off to drop us off at our hotel.

Ten minutes into the ride, Aubrey's face was still pressed up against the tinted window while the lads chartered away about some shit. Not wanting to interrupt whatever it was they were conversing, I turned my attention back towards Aubrey who seemed lost in thoughts. My first thought was that she was ignoring me because of my comment earlier, although she knew I was always kidding around with her.

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