Chapter 35

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

Waves upon waves cascaded themselves upon my stubby toes as they curled inwards the grainy sand. Everything about the beach's atmosphere made me feel as if all my obligations were erased. None of my stress seemed to follow me as my gaze set outwards towards the sparkling blue ocean. Comforted by the sounds of the ocean, I felt all my worries repressed back away from my focus on the scene in front of me. While I lean back on my elbows, I can feel my skin absorb the blistering rays of the sun, reminding me of the scorching hot summer days as a kid.

Miraflores of Lima, Peru wasn't a place I had expected to be one of the most extravagant places I was going to be exposed to all tour, but I guess that was a good thing. I wasn't disappointed whatsoever with the beauty of the little district a bit outside the city limits of Lima. Everything from the sound of seagulls cackling away to the cloudless cerulean blue sky captured my undivided my attention. But what captured my attention most of all was a certain blonde haired(on the brink of being brunette), enthusiastic, and caring guy. Otherwise known as Niall Horan.

"No iced green tea 'er whatever t'at other herbal shit ya wanted so I got ya lemonade," Niall huffed out as he sat himself next to me on the sandy terrain. Letting out a small laugh, I leaned over, grabbed my drink, and placed a small kiss against his cheek.

"Thank you." I smiled at him before taking a sip of the refreshing drink. Niall and I decided to start our day a little earlier than others to make the most of our time in the city before the show tonight. After their Brazil show, we headed off to Columbia for a show in Bogotá before heading off to Lima. It seemed like we were trapped in a never ending cycle of traveling. I definitely gave these boys major props for being able to perform so amazingly well, then getting on a plane to a whole another country. Tiring couldn't even begin to describe what they went through.

Looking over, I noticed he was fixated on mixing whatever it was he was drinking. Not too long after he took a small sip out of the red colored drink before a satisfied smirk replaced his focussed expression. "What are you drinking?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Just some weird strawberry banana drink. Guy said it'd taste good so I was like fuck it," he shrugged. Suspiciously eyeing the drink, I nodded at him before going back to my stare at the gigantic waves clashing into each other.

"It's so weird spending a day in the middle of January at a beach. So nice," I gaped. Niall turned his head towards me, flashing me his signature smile before placing his hand atop of mine. His fingers filled in the gaps between my fingers as they idly laid in the heaps of sand buried beneath my hand.

"Yeah? I'm glad yer gettin' a change 'f scenery. Especially one almost as beautiful as ya," he spoke, causing all the blood in my face to seep to my cheeks. The most random of topics could be the central conversation, but nonetheless Niall would find a way to compliment me or bring a smile
to my face. My admiration for him increased day by day, and I wasn't sure whether I should be scared or excited by the intense feeling.

"You're sweet, Horan. Just like this lemonade." I joked, causing my ears to be greeted with his obnoxious yet contagious laugh. Niall set his drink down in the sand before stretching out his almost stick like legs farther out in the sand. His feet maneuvered themselves towards me without any difficulty whatsoever. Once his feet come into contact with mine, I felt the all too familiar sensations the touch of his skin against mine created within me. It didn't tickle me, which was unexpected since I usually was a very ticklish person near my feet.

"What are you doing?" I said as I held back a laugh from his weird antics. Simply shrugging his shoulders he continues to absentmindedly brush the tops of my toes with his.

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