Chapter 27

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

For a while I felt as if my entire system of nerves had gone numb, not even being able to bring myself to take one step closer in the familiar dim lighted hallways. There's always those instances a person comes to encounter in their lifetime where their entire being completely shuts down for a while before snapping back into reality, only to be put into another state of shock. Except, the second time around, the pain can physically be felt rather than just an emotional acknowledgment.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice fully flat. He turned around, facing me with the same honey brown eyes I had fallen head over heels for. Not a single thing had changed about his appearance; everything about him was still in tact whether it be his sharply defined facial structure to his short brown hair that stuck out in odd directions to his casual yet trendy outfit choices. It was almost six in the morning on the day of Thanksgiving. Who in the right mind would even want to show up at my doorstep now?

At first he seemed as if he were going to reply to me, but his eyes quickly diverted to my right: Niall. Following his gaze, I turned my head to face him only to realize that he was already staring daggers at Pete. Welcome home Aubrey. This is exactly what I didn't need at a time like this. All I wanted was to see my family and celebrate thanksgiving, I wasn't asking for much.

"Um I came to talk to you," Pete finally let out after an intense stare off between him and Niall. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion at his request. Neither of us had talked to each other in over a year. Since the day I found out he was cheating on me, I broke off everything between me and him entirely. Negativity was something I was trying to steer myself away from because I could deal without the disappointments.

"At six in the morning?" I yawned, my jet lag catching up with me. Pete looked at me with a sly look before looking down at his shoes.

"There's nothing to discuss Pete, please leave," I replied as I took my suitcase from Niall's grasp and began walking forward.

"Aubrey, please." Pete begged as Niall simply stood behind watching our exchange of words with wide eyes. I wanted to introduce Niall to him, but I wasn't even sure myself what I would introduce him as. Boyfriend would be too touchy for Niall, but maybe Pete would lay off and leave me alone. Yet if I introduced Niall as just a friend Niall may not understand the way I meant it and get frustrated, while Pete would continue to aggravate me like he is now.

"Listen, I'm only home for a few days before I have to go back to work. I'd really like to spend my time with people I care about, not inconsiderate assholes like you," I said before continuing to take a few more steps towards him. The closer I got to him, the faster my heart beat. Even though my feelings for him were fully gone, I couldn't deny that he looked great in his tight fighting jeans, leather jacket, with his shoes glistening in the light like the sun.

Right when I thought I was going to get past him to unlock my door, my arm was caught between his fingertips forcing me to become face to face with him. Not even a second later, I felt a comforting hand on the small of my back and the sweetest voice ever ring through my ears.

"Take yer fuckin' hands off my girl," Niall demanded him. Despite the situation we were in, I couldn't help but relish the flutter of my heart as the words left his lips. Pete's eyes seemed to widen at Niall's words as his hand slowly peeled away from my arm.

"I didn't think blondes were your type," he laughed as he leaned himself against the wall that created the corner leading to my door.

"Pete, leave," I stated, trying my best to stay calm. Now Niall stood at my back, with his hand constantly rubbing small circles against my hip. A small smile crept up to my face as I realized how protective and possessive Niall was acting. We may not be officially dating, but he definitely was acting as if we were.

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