Chapter 39

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Niall's P.O.V.

Everything seemed like a giant whirlwind blowing past me as I buttoned the last button on my plain, cream colored dress shirt. Louis was finally get married to the love of his life today; it was surreal to say the least. All of us lads knew how much Eleanor meant to Louis and vice versa- they were so madly in love it was crazy and sickening at the same time. The two of them were a match made in heaven just as much as Zayn with Perrie and Liam with Sophia were.

I felt myself getting happier as my thoughts floated over to Aubrey. Despite my pleading and constant begging asking her to spend the night last night, she refused, promising we would see each other plenty tomorrow. Just like that she disappeared out of my hallway after leaving one last kiss against my lips, making me desperately crave her touch even more. Puzzled, I went to bed wondering why she was acting so despondent lately. I had a feeling it was because of her aunt's declining health, but she had reassured me multiple times her aunt was fine. Whatever it was, I saw how much of a toll it was taking on her mood, especially around me.

Nonetheless, in a matter of a few minutes, I would be greeted with her magnificent beauty. It was barely a quarter a noon, which gave me plenty of time to get to Aubrey's flat, pick her up, and make our way to the reception at one of the most pristine cathedrals in all of London: Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Eleanor had wanted to be wed in a church who had an interesting historical background, apparently this one had lots. I have yet to understand why girls make such a big deal out of one day that's practically no different than all the others.

After slipping on my jacket over my shirt, I adjusted my cuff links before grabbing my tie off the hanger, tucking it into my pocket. Even after years of trying to put my own tie on, I was an absolute failure. In hopes of Aubrey having knowledge on to put a tie on, I buttoned the last two buttons on my shirt just in case. A few final combs through my outrageously quiffed hair, my phone began loudly blaring through out the bathroom, killing the silence previously consuming it.

Looking down, I noticed Liam's caller I.D. causing me to drop my comb out of my hand and into the toilet. Shit, oh well I can take it out later, or maybe Aubrey can. Without another glance, I picked up my phone, answering Liam's call, "Ello?"

"She said yes!" A loud scream pierced through my ear as I slightly shrieked away from my phone.

"Told ya she would, ya tosser," I replied as I walked out and grabbed the flowers I had bought for Aubrey earlier in the morning. Valentine's Day was today after all, and she deserved a little spoiling on the day I'm supposed to be showing her how much I love her. Along with the flowers, I bought her a stuffed penguin holding a heart, which took me practically forever to find, some candy, and an Amazon gift card so she could continue buying whatever the hell it is she reads on that kindle of hers. Cheesy, I know.

"God Niall, I'm so happy," Liam beamed. I could literally feel his excitement radiating onto me right through the phone. My best friend was finally going to be able to keep the girls of his dreams forever. My smile was growing wider by the second as I realized how much this meant to him.

"I'm so proud 'f ya Li, ya deserve t'is," I replied. "But weren't ya supposed t' ask her when we came back from tour?" I skeptically asked as I turned off the lights in my room and headed towards the kitchen to retrieve the rest of Aubrey's small gifts.

"You knew how scared I was, I'm lucky I finally built up the courage to ask her yesterday," He shot back. Laughing, I took a moment to take a deep breath and replay all of Liam's constant worrying and paranoia that was for nothing. Sophia, without a doubt, was going to say yes to him. It didn't take a genius to figure out how in love they were with each other.

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