Chapter 15

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

        Birthdays were never my ideal choice of celebrations. By all means, it was both amazing and a blast to celebrate that special day with friends and/or family, but the whole gift thing was definitely not my department. Unnecessary stress always loomed over me every time someone's birthday came up and I had to chose a gift. Not only was it a matter of indecisiveness, but more like paranoia. There always was a small fear growing in the back of my head triggering me to think that the gift wasn't suitable enough for the person. Gift cards or money were usually my go to gift ideas, unless it was someone close to me like my aunt or Lauren.

Now that I was invited to Niall's birthday bash, or whatever Harry called it over the phone, I literally had no idea what I was supposed to get him. Money wasn't an option because Niall had more than enough money to last him everyday for at least the next ten years. As close as Niall and I were, I felt like we both had missed out on learning the little things about each other such as our favorite color or favorite movie. Not knowing small facts like these didn't really aid me in my search for a gift for him. All I knew was what was considered his "deepest and darkest" secret.

It's been a week since Eleanor and Louis' party, but it honestly felt like only a couple days. After Niall break down, I couldn't help but worry about him. He had become a part of my life, whether it be for the good or bad, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I wanted to help him get better, which meant I had to help him cope with his feelings. When he cried into my arms, I just wanted to wave a wand across his face and make all the pain disappear. Seeing him in such a state of despair and sadness caused my heart to ache.

Moreover, it pained me that Niall had put so much trust in me, yet he didn't know the reason behind why I was interviewing him. I wanted to tell him more than anything, but something always stopped me because I wasn't quite ready to tell him. We were basically best friends now, not to the point where we told each other everything, but more or less we updated each other regarding our lives since the both of us had seen each other at our lowest points. I was glad that Niall and I were more comfortable with each other, especially with our emotions. It was now a matter of how far our friendship would go.

Startling me from my thoughts, I felt myself jolt forward a bit, before the taxi driver's voice broke the silence. "That'll be ten pounds, please," he politely asked. I quickly handed him the money along with a small tip before stepping out onto the busy streets of London. Today was my second installment about Niall's interview with Mrs.Liption. Every part of my body was shaking because not only had I writer barely anything about him, but I had absolutely zero idea what I was supposed to write about.

As I entered the renowned building and made my way towards the elevator, I couldn't help but envy all the other reporters here because I was sure they weren't carrying as heavy as a burden on their shoulders. every part of my body swarmed with anxiety as I got closer and closer to Ms.Lipton's office. Oh, how I dreaded entering that accursed room.

"Aubrey!" Ms.Lipton said as she clasped her hands together once I entered. She looked surprisingly happy to see me, which caused me to become even more nervous. I had no idea how she was going to react when I told her I have absolutely nothing for her. Taking a deep breath, I took a seat across from her desk and looked everywhere but her gaze.

"So how is everything going with the esteemed and mysterious popstar?" She asked me. In hopes that I could shift the conversation to be about anything, but Niall, I asked, "Exactly how long will this book be?" Completely aware of the fact that my question wasn't even remotely close to what she asked, I went ahead and asked anyways. In a sense it did pertain to the topic at hand, just not directly. Ms.Lipton simply shook her head at me before pulling out a slip of paper from beneath her folders that were scattered across her desk.

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