Chapter 11

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

       I groaned inwardly as what seemed like my hundredth rough draft landed in the waste bin placed at the corner of my desk. For the past five hours I've been sitting at my desk doing nothing but trying to come up with the perfect ending to my first article for Ms.Lipton. Not only was suffering from a severe case of writer's block, but it was due in her inbox in less than an hour. Last minute she had decided to e-mail me stating she wanted am electronic rather than a hard copy in order to maintain its natural form. Even though I had promised myself that I wouldn't procrastinate, I ended up breaking my promise to myself. Although it was partially my fault, it wasn't entirely; more like the faults of five boys.

Since the incident with Niall at Liam's a few nights back, things have been patching up lately; and it wasn't loosely patched up like last time, thank god. I've spent the past two and a half weeks at Liam's flat interviewing the shit out of him. Poor boy probably got sick of me asking him questions that he couldn't care less about. But that's what I admired about Liam: his tenacity. Despite my constant pestering concerning my work, he's been very easy going and welcoming with my curiosity. I couldn't be anymore thankful for being able to work with such a gentleman. Sophia was one lucky girl.

As I continued with my work in the past weeks, there had been a few distractions, of course. Whenever I went over, one or more of the boys would be there which resulted in shortened interview session and a lengthened session of some their shenanigans. It was actually quite fun to let go and just have some fun for once. Come to think of it, I didn't have this much fun since my dad was involved in that fatal car accident.

Aside from getting to experience the crazy antics of these boys, I also learned how dedicated they were to their relationship among each other. Of course they sent the occasional insults towards each other and ganged up on the other when it came to disagreements, but at the end of the day they had each other's back. Witnessing the strength of their brotherhood was something so inspiring that I couldn't help but include it in my article. Despite the fact that it remotely had anything to do with social media or any of that, it was a must.

In the past few days I had spent organizing my article outline, Niall had managed to weasel his way through my thoughts. I wasn't entirely sure if it was a good or bad thing, because even though we were on good terms, I still wouldn't consider us the best of friends. Following the visit of the cemetery, Niall had been more kind and courteous towards me, which I greatly appreciated. We would exchange the usual hi's and bye's, and have simple conversations, but that's as far as things between us. And although it had seemed to me that Niall's little venting session helped him recover, I was proved wrong every time he came to Liam's.

Glum seemed to be the mood that Niall was always in every time he walked through Liam's door, whether it be to enter or to leave. Occasionally, he would turn his grimace into a small grin, but that look was anything far from a smile. He would put an act for his friends, forcing himself to continue on with whatever it was they were doing even though I knew it was killing him on the inside. I desperately wanted to say something to him, but I knew if I interfered with his life one more time, he would truly boil over with anger.

Slowly, but surely I managed to come up with a simple, yet eloquent ending to complete my first ever article to soon be published. Excitement bubbled throughout my body as I edited the piece and finalized the submission. With one click of the mouse, my first article was complete. All I needed now was for luck to be on my side considering my fate rested in the palms of Ms.Lipton.


The next morning I was awakened by the abrupt ringing of my phone. Groaning, I rolled over to face my bedside table and grabbed my phone.  As a recent growing habit of mine, I answered without even looking at the caller I.D., not even caring who was calling me. Whoever it was, though, was going to get an earful from me for waking me up this god damn hour.

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