Chapter 13

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Aubrey's P.O.V.

           September crawled around the corner before I even knew it. It was as if I blinked in New York, and when my eyes opened up I was settled in London. Crazy how fast my life was moving. I had never expected to be in this position, let alone living in such a city. Time was literally flying past me that I didn't even have time to process anything that was happening to me. Everything just breezed by me while I just stood there bracing the impact.

Interviewing Niall was starting to seem as less of a problem, but more like a convience. As the days passed by I learned things about him that would have never even crossed my mind like that he's big on cycling or that he's actually a converse type of guy rather than a Supra's one. I guess Niall and I's relationship transitioned into one of being close friends. There were times where I would even forget I was interviewing him because I would get so lost into the conversation that it just seemed like two friends hanging around talking about whatever. Niall was such an easy person to talk to with never a dull moment interrupting our conversation. My first impression of him was definitely turned upside down after taking the time to actually talk to him, normally.

Currently, I was sat on my couch just staring at the ceiling. Today was the ten year anniversary of my mother's passing. I wanted nothing more than to go to the cemmetary and just sit there beside her headstone. My mom was basically my best friend. I would always go to her with all my problems, but she wouldn't sugar coat things for me just because I was her daugher. She would would be one hundred percent honest with me, whether it be in my favor or not. Times like these are the most where I wish she was right beside me to help me out.  Losing my mom at such a young age left me with so many unanswered questions about life. My dad definitely tried his best to help me, but like they say mother always knows best.

There's never a day where I don't think about either of them and where I would be if they were here with me right now. I'm sure they would be proud that I was pursuing the career I had akways dreamed of, but I can't help but feel a tiny lump in my throat. I wasn't being exactly honest with Niall,  which didn't really help the matter that I was just going after my dreams.

With everything on my mind lately and my mother's death anniversary, I decided to have a personal day off.  Usually I would go visit my mom and dad's graves, but seeing as I live an ocean away, I'm going to have to improvise. Pictures were never my favorite things, which explained why I didn't take many, but after the deaths of my parents, I wish had taken a picture with them for every second that I ad spent with them. Looking through my album of our family pictures, I could feel all the memories hit me as hard as a ton of bricks. When I came across one of the final pictures, I couldn't help but let down a few tears as I came across our family picture at the hospital. Adam was barely five hours old, but nonetheless my mom was ecstatic about his birth, which clearly showed by the giant smile across her face. To the left of her sat my bad with his arm slung around her shoulder, while I sat on the opposite side of her with my head tucked into her shoulder. All of us had smiles plastered on our faces. Happiness filled the atmosphere,  and at the time everything was perfect. Then the following week my mom was rushed to the hospital due to heart contractions, which ended up resulting in a heart attack, killing my mother and best friend.

I was devasted to say the least. Death was something completely foreign to me at the age of ten years. Crying was my only mechanism for that first year until I came to terms that my mother was never coming back to me. She wouldn't be there when I came home from school or cheering me one at my volleyball games anymore. Instead she was buried deep underground beneath the grasses of a cemmetary in Brooklyn.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I reminisced the memories. Sometimes I wish I could just turn back time just to prepare myself for all the tragedies that would face me later on in my life. There was an aching in my heart that despite everything I tried wouldn't go away. Nothing hurt more than mourning over a loved one's death. Thinking over this, I thought about how Niall was coping. We hadn't really discussed the topic of Grace ever since the last time he took me to the cemmetary.

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