1: sugar don't resist it

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(listen to friends- anne marie & marshmello in the background)

millie's pov:

"romeo! let go of me!" i gasp out as i am pulled into a hard and forceful kiss. i struggle in his grasp, his hand on my back inching downwards despite my protests. 

i used to like this.

"sugar, don't resist it..." romeo says as he pushes me against the wall with no escape. his eyes travel up and down my body in a manner that tempts me to cover myself with my arms even though i was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. "you know you like it..."

not anymore i don't.

using some of the last amounts of strength i have, i push him to the floor, breathing heavily. i straddle him and press his elbows into the ground in a way where he can't get up. "fuck you beckham." i say as he almost flips me over, but four years of resistance training and boxing now haven't left me weak. i grab his face in my hands and force him to look at me. "how many times do i have to tell you that i don't want to continue this relationship anymore."

he laughs and smirks. "brown, it was never your choice." he snarls as he attempts to break out of my grasp. "you're just a girl. that's all you are to me. i never loved you." my breath catches in my throat as realization strikes me.

"i love you." he said once.

"sugar, you couldn't possibly think that you meant anything to me, you're just a toy. why the fuck would i ever like you, no one ever will. millie, face the reality. you're a worthless little bitch that's only good to hook up with." 

i look at him, purely dumbfounded. i couldn't accept what he just said. i wouldn't. of course i didn't love him now but it hurt me just knowingly that all those gifts, kisses, hugs were fake. he never loved me. whenever i said "i love you", my words must have just entered his mind, bounced off of the empty walls, and exited his mouth so he was saying them too. but he never meant it. my first kiss was stolen by a foolish boy who never cared for me in the first place. tears that haven't left my eyes in over two years threaten to burst out as i stare into the eyes of the boy i used to love with all my heart.

don't break. don't shatter. don't ruin yourself because of him.

romeo, taking advantage of my confusion and hurt, flips me over and runs his hands down my body, for he is now the one that is on top of me. "slut, you can't escape." he pulls his face down to trap me in another's kiss. 

that's when i come to my senses.

i elbow him in the face, and grab his arm in way that causes him to cry out in pain, giving me time to stand up. not enough though. even with me twisting his arm, romeo manages to throw a punch at my face, the force of his fist hitting my cheek forcing me backwards. pain blossoms through me as i struggle to stand up.

beckham i'm ending this once and for all.

with the last bit of strength i have left, i stare him down with such anger and betrayal that his face bursts out in surprise. he's never seen me mad. "you're such a piece of shit, beckham." i say just before i grab his arm once more and twist it and bend it downwards.

i hear the yell of pain before the crack of the bone breaking. romeo falls down on the floor of his room in agony, his arm bent at an abnormal angle. i reach for his phone, which fell out of his pocket through the fight, and i dial 911 pausing only to say "broken arm" to the woman on the other side of the call before dropping the phone and heading out of romeo's bedroom. i'll let them track the address by themselves, i needed to get out of his house before the guilt drowns me. i quicken my pace to a jog as i near romeo's little sister, emma, and kiss her quickly on the head, for i'd probably never talk to her her again. 

"millie!" she cries out once she sees the big purple bruise forming on my face. "millie what happened? where are you going?"

i give her a painful smile, "emma. emma, i have to get away from your brother." i turn away from her before she sees the tears dripping down my face, the tears that have not fallen in so many years. i push the front door open and run to my old black van, wanting to get away from the boy that i never wanted to see again. once i entered the drivers seat and start the car, and let the sobs exit my body. i go down the street, but force myself to pull over when my vision becomes too blurry. i rub my eyes and open my car mirror to realize that my mascara was staining my under eyes, and i let out a little gasp when i realize how big the bruise actually is. it took over my entire right cheek and a bit more too. i couldn't go home like this. mom would wonder what the hell happened to me, and i couldn't worry her more than she already is. there was only one place that i could think of to go to, iris apatow's.


i stand in front of iris' doorstep, taking deep breaths. i had to compose myself. if one of her parents answered the door and saw me like this, teary-eyed and beat up, they'd tell my mom for sure. i force a small smile on my face and ring the doorbell, praying that iris would answer the door.

the door opened.... and it wasn't her. it was her annoying stepbrother, finn wolfhard. 

just my luck.

i hated him. he hated me. it was like that forever, but i never knew why.

he sighs when he sees me, but at the second glance his eyebrows furrow together. "millie? why the fuck do you look like this? what happened—"

"millie!" i see iris push past finn and pull me into her house, pulling me into a hug. "tell me what went down." she whispers into my ear. 

i hiccup and give her a small smile. "can we talk in your room?"

she nods and shoves past finn as she pulls me up the stairs, leaving him behind looking worried and confused.

he couldn't actually be worried about me... could he?


yayy first chapter!!

i worked really hard on this so i sincerely hope u liked it :)

new chapter coming within the next three days.

love uuuu 

- r

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