17: in his room huh? with the door closed?

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// 1190 words //

// inspired by LOVELY by billie eilish and khalid //




ms. dyer clears her throat.

no one hears her.

ms. dyer clears her throat again.

no one notices.

ms. dyer throws a book at jack dylan grazer who was, at the moment, doing the chicken dance on top of his desk.

everyone becomes quiet.

"please get started on your song assignment." ms. dyers says, before falling asleep on her desk, her knocked over cup of coffee staining the sleeve of her shirt.


"so, um, what song should we pick?" millie is scrolling through the 2018 top songs lists, slowly starting to become frustrated with the lack of ideas.

i put my feet up on the seat of the girl in front of me and shrug. "most of the songs that were released in the past five years have the shittiest lyrics ever, imagine doing a project on shape of you."

millie stands up and pretends she's presenting. "well, hello fellow peers and teacher. our project is about shape of you by ed sheeran. in this song a male objectives a woman by saying that he is 'in love with her body' and her personality can just go to hell." millie sits back down and crosses her arms.

"i doubt that presentation would give us a very good grade." i chuckle and take the laptop from millie. "one kiss?"


"god's plan?"

"so fucking overplayed." millie sighs. "i swear i'm sick of it now."

"okay, then, havana?"

"good song, but overplayed as hell."

i keep scrolling until i see a song catch my eye. "lovely?"

millie freezes when he hears me say the title and slowly turn to look at me. "hell yes! it's perfect the beat, the lyrics, the vocals..."

i close the laptop. "then it's settled, meet me at my house after school."



i'm just about to knock on the rustic, burnt brown door of finn and iris' pretty much mansion, but the door flies back before my knuckles even hit the door. and there was iris, a smile enveloping her face and a manic gleam in her eye. she goes up and down on her tiptoes, and raises her eyebrows at me.

"how's it going with finn?" she asks in a sing-songy voice.

i sigh. "nothing. i'm just here to work on a project. that's it."

iris gives me a knowing smile. "sure. in his room huh? with the door closed? with no parents home?"

i frown when i realize what she's implying and i push past her, heading to finns room. "go to hell, iris!"

once i'm pass the living room i look around at the huge three story house i was inside of. i never really found out what finn and iris' dad did, but whatever job he has, he gets a hell of a lot of money in his paycheck. i've only spoken to their dad a few times, but i could tell he is an extremely busy person, and sometimes i feel bad for iris.

i still remember the first time i met iris and finn. it was in kindergarten when iris and finn weren't step siblings yet. i remember that i had spilled my juice all over myself and i was collapsed on the floor crying and then finn came up to me a handed me his juice.

what a gentlemen.

i met iris later in the playground. iris was all alone on the swings and i wobbled over to her and asked, "can we be friends?"

and it all spiraled from there, iris and i stayed best friends through elementary and middle school when we met sadie and her dad and my mom got married. unfortunately it wasn't the same with finn. we were friends in elementary school through middle school, became acquaintances in freshman year when i started dating romeo, and never talked to each other throughout our entire sophomore year.

in freshman year finn became best friends with gaten, caleb, and noah, and i met luna and loren, and not until the first day of school of this year did we all become friends. it's strange how slowly over time, the bestest of friends grow apart and you end up being closer than ever to the people you never thought you would be friends with.

i slowly inch open finns door to see him strumming a tune on his guitar. his eyes are closed and his curly hair hangs in front of his face, so he doesn't see me come in. i watch his nimble fingers working with the strings and how he looked so comfortable playing the instrument, like it was a sixth sense. the door creaks behind me as i close it and finn looks up to see me standing in front of him.

he quickly takes off the guitar strap and puts the instrument under his bed. "oh millie! i didn't know you would be coming this soon."

"i, um, i had nothing to do today so..." i fidget with my hands behind my back, and i rock my heels back and forth.

act normal. start the conversation.

"is that yours?" i say as finn looks up at me. "the guitar?"

"oh it's just a silly hobby." finn says chuckling as he sits down on his bed and gestures for me to do the same. "i'm not that good anyways, i'm just doing it for fun."

"you're amazing..." i breath out, the words escaping my mouth before i can process them. "i mean you're pretty good."

finn smiles, and i feel butterflies in my stomach.

don't. be. so. damn. awkward.

i clear my throat. "so, uh, should we start?" i take out my laptop and a sheet of notebook paper with all the lyrics of the song written down. "i just wrote the lyrics down so we can start right away..." i falter when i see the look on finns face.

"what?" i say, seeing that he had paled and was looking back and forth from the paper and my face. "what is it?"

"the handwriting..." he whispering, now holding the sheet of lyrics. "you wrote this? just you?"

"yes..." i say, confused.

finn stands up and goes to his drawer where he takes out a journal or book and flips to a random page. he puts the sheet of notebook paper full of my handwriting and compares it to the words written in the book.

"shit." he whispers.



i would've made this longer but the truth is i'm just really lazy and not in the mood


question of the day: describe your clothing style. i have zero fashion sense so its just shorts, leggings, t-shirts, and sweats for me. you could not make me wear jeans even if it was a life or death situation.

vote and comment love y'all


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