4: move the damn car

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1090 words

(listen to every breath you take- the police in the background)

millie's pov:

"iris can i open my eyes now?" i impatiently ask as she fixes my hair and straightens out my dress.

"not yetttt. i'm still not done. you have to look perfect tonight." i sigh and play with the edges of my dress as iris puts another coat of lipstick on my lips and tells me to rub them together. "ok. now you can look."

i open my eyes to find myself looking at iris who's smile stretched so far that i thought her face would break. i slowly turn to the floor length mirror in her bedroom and suck in a breath when i see myself.

holy shit is this even me.

after years and years of not dressing in anything but shorts and a sweatshirt, it certainly was a change to see myself looking so... pretty. not that i thought that i was ugly but i just never viewed myself as someone who was attractive.

iris ought to be a stylist. she straightened my messy hair so that it fell past my shoulders and emphasized the highlights. she had done a simple smoky eye and a nude lip, how the hell did she do all this in just an hour... what i was wearing was a whole other story. it was a tight fitting black dress that certainly wouldn't past my schools dress code. it hugged my body in all the right places and ended a few inches past my butt.

"uh iris? isn't this too short?" i say as i attempt to pull the dress down.

"millie, millie, millie." iris sighs coming into my view. she looked beyond gorgeous herself. "this is the last party before school starts again. have a little fun!" she slides heels on her feet and kicks a sparkly gold pair at my feet.

"what? no. no way in hell i'm wearing those. they're gonna hurt my feet and soccer and volleyball tryouts are soon." i was one of the only tenth graders last year who got a spot on two hawkins high sports teams, and i wasn't gonna let a shining pair of gold heels ruin my chances.

iris rolls her eyes and tosses a pair of vans at my face. i catch them just before i find out what the bottom of a shoe tastes like. "i'm being nice here. at your wedding, i'm NOT gonna let you wear sneakers."

i smile and slip the vans on before iris checks how we look like once more and then pulls us out of her bedroom. "finn, get in the car we're ready!" she shouts across the house before giving m a pep talk. "ok millie. you are a strong independent young woman. walk into that party like you own that fucking place."

i nod and lick my lips as i hear a honk from outside.

"mumma! we gotta go!" iris says before we bound out of the house and towards finn's car. "you take shotgun." iris says with a little smile on her face. i don't question it.

we enter the car and out of the corner of my eye i see finn with his hand impatiently tapping the steering wheel, waiting for iris to get her ass in the car. he runs a hand through his curly hair...

it was so freaking cute. wait no it isn't.

i had to admit even with our history i couldn't deny that he was hot, cause he was, everyone knows it. well except for iris, according to her, finn looks like a deceased frog.

i see him take a second glance at me and suck in a breath. i feel his eyes lingering on me and then the sharp sound of iris' voice shocks both of us. "what the fuck are you doing finn? we have places to be! move the damn car!"

we start driving over to luna's house (where the party was at) and the silence grows more awkward by the minute. finally, bored out of my mind, i turn on the radio and smile when i see that one of my favorite songs is playing every breath you take by the police.

i lip sync to the words and then i notice that finn is doing the same.

every breath you take
every move you make
every bond you break
every step you take
i'll be watching you

"ugh millie. why did you put such a depressing song. it sounds like a psycho is singing this." she leans over to change the song, and immediately me and finn push her back with one hand.

"it's amazing." we say together, leaving finn staring dumbstruck at the road in front of him, me staring dumbstruck at him, and iris staring dumbstruck at both of us.

"i ship it." she whispers in my ear just before she leans back into her seat smiling to herself.

"i swear to god..." i mumble as i unbuckle my seatbelt and start to climb into the backseat, ready to tell iris off.

"what the fuck." finn whispers as he sees me climbing dangerous across seats and iris scurrying away, laughing hysterically. "well we're here." he says stopping the car abruptly sending me back into my seat and making me hit my head to the window.

"fuck you finn." i say as i rub the back of my head and turn to see the bustling huge house of my one and only luna blaise, probably filled with people by now. i catch a glimpse of my red headed sister, sadie, but i blink and she's vanished into the crowd.

we exit the car, finn by our side until he find his group of jock friends and runs off to them. i recognize them from the soccer team last year, but most of them are complete douchebags.

i sigh and take iris' hand as we enter the mob of drunk teenagers, just two drinks away from breaking hearts and letting unspoken words burst out.


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- r

(name reveal atttt 10k?)

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