30: i doubt she's good, she's a girl

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// 1871 words //

// inspired by salute by little mix //




i hate school.

i don't hate learning i hate that we have to learn in school.

(a/n: i love you if you know what wattpad book that quote is from)

i lay my head on my desk, trying to block out the droning voice reading an excerpt out of lord of the rings. it isn't that i don't like the book, i do, but i'm bored out of my mind. ms. dyer and mr. keery are out today, sadie suspects that they're doing what she calls the sparky bangy procedure, so i have a sub in both of their classes. this one is a particular is a 40 year old man who is apparently making it his life mission to bore us to death.

i feel an hand rub my back, and i smile, knowing it's finn. i paid this kid named wyatt to switch seats with him to sit next to finn, and now i'm kinda regretting the decision because i always find myself staring at him. i sigh and raise my head to look at finn who's huddled over math homework that was probably due yesterday.

"you good?" i whisper to him, putting my hand over his.

he sighs and half shakes his head. "i can't fucking finish all this today. i don't understand half of it."

i squeeze finns hand and he looks at me with his tired eyes. i furrow my eyebrows together when i notice the purple bags underneath his eyes. "i'll help you finish after school."

finn gives me a smile and wraps his arm around my waist as we sit through the rest of this boring class.


kitchensink: where u at sista?

bouta go to tryouts

kitchensink: soccer?


kitchensink: good luckkkkkkk not that u need it

thank yaaaa im so nervous

i look up from my phone at finn who's starting to put his books away.

"i still don't get it..." he mumbles staring at an uncompleted math worksheet.

i stand up and kiss the top of his head. "you will, soon. i'm not letting you get cut from the team."

finn stands up, holding his backpack with one hand and holding me close to him with the other. "about the team. mills, coach just told me i'm gonna be head captain this year."

i stop in the middle of the hallway, as finns words process in my head. i slowly turn to face him and after a moment jump into his arms, a smile taking over my face. "shut up! no fucking way finn!"

"yes fucking way." finn says, smiling as we exit the school and head to the athletic complex with our gyms, weight rooms, locker rooms, courts and fields. "he just told me this morning."

"wait what about, um, romeo?" i say, my voice cracking when i say his name. "he was head captain last year."

"he cussed out the coaches last week so he's cut for the first game of the season, and he isn't head anymore." finn says as we reach the place that is like a second home for me.

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