21: finn water on sale $9.99 a pack

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// 1149 words //

// inspired by DO RE MI by blackbear //




i step out into the bustling hallway of hawkins high, filled with people trying to make it to their class before the bell rang. it's both a blessing and a curse to have such a big school, we get to travel through campuses and we have multiple floors, but it's always a challenge to make it to your next class without getting yelled at for being late. 

i see my mom out of the corner of my eye yelling at romeo for running in the hallway and trampling a little freshman, and when she makes eye contact with me she winks. i smile and start walking again. i'm not completely sure whether she knows exactly what happened between romeo and i, but she's not gonna let him off easy.

i'm headed to the library for my study hall period, and just when i see the glass double doors of the library, i feel hand snake around my waist.

at first i think it's sadie, she does that sometimes, but when i look at the person i realize it's romeo.

"what the hell, don't touch me!" i say, alarmed and pushing him away, but he catches my hand and stops me from walking away.

"aw, millie. don't be so rude, do you remember what we used to have?" he looks at me with those dark penetrating eyes of his, making me shiver.

"yes, and i don't want to have that again." i say, trying to take my hand out of his grip. i see finn and iris out of the corner of my eye looking at us, finn holding iris back from possibly jumping on top of romeo. "can i leave now?"

"lets talk this out, yeah?" romeo says, whisking me away with his uninjured arm. "i just want to explain myself, that's it."

i sigh as we stop in front of some lockers. "five minutes, then i'm leaving. nothing you say now or will ever say will make me forgive you."

romeo carefully touches my cheek, causing me to pull away, alarmed. "the bruise?"

"gone." i say firmly. "but that cast isn't going away anytime soon, is it?"

he chuckles, licking his lips. "i'm never gonna forget this, you know." he gestures to his broken arm. "you just got yourself in a whole lot of shit for doing that."

i look up to make eye contact with him. his 5'11 figure looms above my 5'6 and makes him that much more intimidating. "you just got yourself in a whole lot of shit for everything you said that day. you never loved me, huh? i was just a toy?  fuck you romeo, did our two year relationship mean nothing to you? every valentines day?"

"millie i-"

"i what? i'm sorry? i can't even count the amount of times you said those words, and never actually meant it."

"millie, can we start over?" romeo says, rubbing his eyes. "like start this relationship over, rewind?"

"i think the fuck not." i say now on my tip toes, my mouth close to his ear. "don't ever talk to me again romeo."

"children! head to your classrooms!" i hear a teacher yell across the almost empty hallway, and with one last look at romeo i turn around and walk away from him.


F I N N 

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