9: why do boys have to be so hella tall?

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inspired by feel it still- portugal. the man :)




i feel caleb's presence beside me as we exit the abandoned room and head for our first class. i run a hand through my messy red hair as i look over my shoulder at millie and finn, both smiling and walking so close together that their hands were almost touching. i shake my head and sigh, turning back to look ahead of me. millie and finn were the people that were always shipped together whether they liked it or not. millie was a tomboyish stubborn girl that was never afraid to speak her mind, but her vulnerabilty came out at some times. finn was just finn. captain of the soccer team, that sarcastic, funny guy that always walked his sister home and got good grades. whether they knew it or not, they balanced each other out.

i've been told many times that i'm a hard person to become friends with and to understand. i can talk to anyone and everyone, but it takes a lot for me to open my heart out to someone. i can look through a person's fakeness or lies to find the hidden part of them that they cover with layers and layers of personas. i can understand a person's struggles by just watching if their cheeks are tear-stained, if their arms are always covered and if they flinch when their sleeve creeps up. i know when my teacher's having a bad day. i can put myself in that school bully's shoes because i can see that behind all that pettiness is a person who needs someone.

i love millie because she understands me like i understand her. she doesn't think of me as that weird girl who never gives a boy her number. she can look at me and say "yeah, that's my bestfriend."

she's my sister.


i look at the crowds of hawkins high.

we have a shit ton of kids.

i always sort of feel bad for the principal, because she's basically babysitting 4000 kids for seven hours, five days a week. surely it must get tiring at some point.

i see caleb look at me and smile. "must be a lot of work to hold all those dishes huh?"

i scrunch my eyebrows together, wondering what he means, until it finally makes sense. "haha, very funny caleb." i say rolling my eyes and looking up at him.

why do boys have to be so hella tall?

"i sincerely hate my father for giving me the last name sink. i mean, ever since millie met me she's been calling me kitchen sink!"

caleb grins. "remember that one time at camp where we were talking about finn, and we said his last name, and then the boy behind us was like-"

"THAT GUY HAS THE MOST PERFECT PORN NAME." i say loudly, causing lots of people around me to stare.

(A/N: anyone catch the comic con interview reference?)

"and then we just completely burst out laughing and couldn't stop until the counselor yelled at us!" caleb says, unable to catch his breath.

"that was a really fun day... wasn't it?" i say to caleb. it really was a great day to get to know him better. caleb was undoubtedly one of the sweetest guys i've ever met, and kinda hot to be honest.

"yeah it was..." caleb replies. "oh. um sadie? i was just wondering... u know because we've known each other for a bit... do you want to-" before caleb could finish his sentence, he gets cut off by a teacher.

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