love makes you crazy

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"no finn!" i yell through the closed bathroom door as i self-consciously observe my reflection in the mirror. there's a party tonight and sadie had done my makeup and bought me a dress which she is forcing me to wear or else she says that she'll never speak to me again.

a false statement, but honestly, i just want to make my sister happy.

so i took the tight, black, body con dress and wiggled it on while sadie left for caleb's house to shower her boyfriend in kisses, leaving just finn standing outside my bathroom door, waiting impatiently to see me.

"sadie said that i wouldn't be able to keep my eyes off of you, which i already can't do, hurry up!" finn grumbles from the other side of the door, and his knocks are getting annoying at this point.

i ignore his voice and scrutinize myself in the mirror, staring at every flaw and attempting to pull the short dress lower, when i've already established that the tight leather has zero elasticity whatsoever. i sigh, and turn around, frustrated. i'd just have to deal with it, if i don't see sadie at the party i can change into sweats and get finn go drive me home early.

taking a deep breath, i wrench open the door as finn turns around to see me.

"finally mills, you took forever-" his voice catches in his throat as he stares at me, eyes wide and phone almost falling out of his slack grip.

i raise my eyebrows and take a step closer to finn so that i can reach him. i take his larger hands in my own and entwine our fingers together. i look up at him. "well? please tell me that at least you like this dress, because i hate it."

i watch as finn tries to get words out, but only manages to open and close his mouth wordlessly.

i let out a small laugh as i step closer to him. "you look like a fish."

finn abruptly rests his hands on my waist and pulls me to him, so that our bodies are against each other's. he looks down at me with awe and cups my face with his hands. "and you look beautiful."

i blush and attempt to pull away from finn, but he only holds me tighter.

"holy shit..." finn breathes out, one of his hands stroking my back, sending tingles down my spine. "what did i do to deserve you."

i stand on my tip-toes to allow my nose to brush his playfully. finn leans down to kiss me, but i stop him with a finger to his lips.

"we're late." i whisper, our lips barely an inch apart and the urge to attach mine to his almost overwhelming.

"i don't care." finn mumbles back, fingers playing with the zipper of my dress.

"well i do." i say firmly, stepping back and smoothing down finns shirt. "baby, we have the whole night."

finn sighs and pulls me against him as we walk out of my room and down the stairs. "mills..."


"i'm not drinking tonight." i yell into finns ear as we stumble through the mob of moving bodies, all dancing to the beat of an outdated 2000's song.

"if you're not, i won't." finn yells back, keeping one hand protectively on my waist, holding me against him. we navigate through the crowd of drunk teenagers, trying to find someone we know, when i catch sight of a flash of fiery red hair. i gasp in delight and pull finn along with me as i make my way towards sadie.

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