19: sneak into finns bedroom

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// 1218 words //

// inspired by COMPLICATED by avril lavigne //




"WHY YOU GOTTA GO MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED..." sadie screams out the lyrics of the song we've all loved since forever, as loren, iris, and luna dance around on top of my bed, whipping their hair around.

me? i'm sprawled out on the ground, laughing at them.

"i see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated!" luna, iris, and loren join in, holding their hairbrushes like microphones and smiles filling their faces. i can't help but snort when sadie starts jumping around so much that she falls off my bed all together, landing in a pile of pillows, and her red hair all over her face.

loren had proposed the idea of having a sleepover, considering that we haven't had one since the first week of summer, and it was exactly what i needed to get my mind off of what happened earlier today.

i remember walking into the library to confront finn about why he was acting so weird when we worked on the project yesterday, and instead i found out that he was the person that had my journal. my initial reaction was being unbelievably angry at him, it was my personal thoughts he had no right to intrude, but after he kept apologizing i realized that i couldn't blame him. i would do the same if i was in his place.

i get shaken out of my thoughts when i see all the girls sitting on the floor beside me, hair disheveled and wide grins on their face. their energy is contagious and i can't help but laugh when i see sadies unbelievably tangled hair. "ok, what do you guys want?"

"let's play truth or dare!" luna says, raising her eyebrows at us.

we all nod and arrange ourselves in a circle as i reach over to turn the lights off and hand everyone a flashlight. whenever we played truth or dare we always turned off the lights and held flashlight under our faces, it's always been a tradition and it felt wrong to disobey it. i turn around to see my window open, letting the wind and light in, bathing us in the soft, pale moonlight.

iris nods at me to close the window and as soon as it's shut we start.

"do you all swear to the zac efron gods to not share anything that happens tonight, inside this room, ever?" loren says.

"what is this a cult?" i sigh and kick loren in the shin.

"we promise, we promise." luna says as the glow from the flashlight illuminates her face. "let's start."

"okay, sadie..." i turn to sadie. "truth or dare?"

"truth..." she says hesitantly.

"who is the hottest boy you know?" i smirk when i see sadie's eyes widen.

"nuh-uh." she says, crossing her arms. "no way in hell, i'm answering that."

"c'mon sadieee!" iris whines. "you know know what happens when you bail..."

with the truth or dare that we play, if you either fail or bail, you have to jump in the pool fully clothed.

sadie throws her head with a groan. "caleb..." she whispers as we all grin at her.

"awww... do you like himmmm..." i taunt sadie, making kissing noises in her face as she pushes me away with her foot.

"no more questions! i answered!" sadie protests as she turns to loren. "loren. truth or dare?"

"dare..." loren says, as sadies smile turns michevious.

"loren, call a random contact and prank them with the lyrics of sorry."

lorens jaw drops as she pulls out her phone. "i can't believe i'm actually doing this..." loren closes her eyes and scrolls through her contacts until she clicks a random one and opens her eyes to see harvey cantwell's name staring back at her.

"oh no... oh guys no way. no fucking way i'm calling him..." loren sighs as she covers her face with her hands. we all know that loren has had a crush on harvey since forever.

"loren, we'll be here for mortal support." luna says patting loren's back as she clicks call and holds her breath.

"hello?" harvey's voice comes through the phone with a crackle as we all hold in squeals. "loren is that you?"

loren curses under her breath before speaking into her phone. "you gotta go get angry at all my honesty..."

"loren what? i'm not angry at you."

loren licks her lips and says the next line. "you know i try but i don't do too well with apologies."


"i hope i don't run out of time, could someone call a referee?"

"loren, run out of time for what?" harvey's confused voice says through the phone.

"cause i just need one more shot at forgiveness..." loren says as sadie rolls around on the ground, her hands over her mouth in an attempt to stifle her laughter. "i know you know that i made those mistakes maybe once or twice. by once or twice i mean maybe a couple of hundred times..."

a new voice comes through harveys side of the call. "so let me, oh let me redeem, oh redeem, oh myself tonight. cause i just need one more shot at second chances!"

loren, luna, iris, sadie and i immediately grow confused as we hear wyatts voice sing the next lines of the song and harvey's laughter in the background.

"IS IT TOO LATE NOW TO SAY SORRY!!!" wyatt and harvey scream through the phone into lorens ear, and she immediately pull it away from her ear and hangs up as we all die laughing. luna leans on me as she struggle to regain her breath, her face now pink.

"that... that was hilarious..." i say, hiccuping, as i try to catch my breath.

"millie..." loren says once everyone's calm. "truth or dare?"

"dare." i say without a doubt.

"are you sure?" loren says, raising her eyebrows. "this is a very complicated and risky dare..."

i smile. "bring your worst."

"sneak into finn's bedroom, pretending to be drunk, and bring one of his shirts back here." loren smirks. "now are you so sure that you want to do it?"

i stand up. "millie bobby brown never bails. dare accepted."


this is shorter than usual but i need to get back on track

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