34: one month

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// 872 words //

// inspired by perfect- ed sheeran //



F I N N 

i absentmindedly toss my soccer ball up and down with one hand while the other is holding my phone, a finger hovering over mills' contact. i hold in a smile as the image of her enters my head, and my thoughts become clouded as only one stands out. when can i see her again? 

it's nearing the end of thanksgiving break, and millie and sadie went off to their cousins place, leaving me anticipating millie coming back. after constant soccer practices, and piles and piles of homework we only have so many hours a week to be together.

tomorrow is our one month. one month of kisses, hugs and loving each other. 

i hold my battered and cracked phone to my ear as my call to millie goes through and with a crackle i hear her voice enter my ear.

"finn." she says, and my day brightens a little. i can imagine her right now, laying with her back on the bed, pillow pressed to her chest and cheeks pink. even thought we've known each other for a while, i love how she still gets flustered whenever she sees me.

"mills." i reply. "when do you get here?"

i hear her chuckle. "i'm not even in the airport yet. i'll be home in a few hours, i promise."

i sigh, and run a hand through my hair. "i miss you."

"miss you too, but just a couple hours, okay? then i'll be with you."

"alright." i mumble. "love you."

"love you more. i'll see you soon."

i slowly bring the phone down from my ear as the call ends.

little does millie know what i have in store for her today.



as soon as i landed back in hawkins the only thought on my mind is finn.

it's all a flash of events, landing, taking an uber to finns house, climbing up the tree to his window, and now i'm sitting impatiently on his bed, waiting for him to come into his room.

i get shocked back to reality when hear finns voice from just outside his door.





a smile appears on my face as finn opens his door and his exasperated face changes to one of shock when he sees me.

i don't wait another second.

i jump into finns arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and burying my face in his neck, as his grip on me tightens and the space between us becomes no more. i hear him chuckle in my ear as we fall back onto his bed, my limbs still encircling him.

"hey." i whisper, pulling back a little to look him in the eyes. 

"hey." he whispers back, tucking stray pieces of my hair behind my ear as a blush blossoms on my cheeks.

and we stay like this, enclosed in each others arms, warmth flowing between us as the barriers keeping us apart fall.



her arms and legs are still wrapped around me even as a peaceful expression comes across her face and she falls into a sleepy daze. i keep her pressed to me as she drifts off into a nightmare, a sweat forming above her lip and brows pressed together. she shifts in my arms and mumbles unrecognizable words and i slowly pull her on top of me and she buries her face in the crook of my neck.

outside under the darkening sky i can hear iris, gaten and probably sadie arguing about whether to have punch or soda at this party, but at this moment, the only thing that matters to me is mills.


i'm waken up by someone jumping up and down on my bed next to me, bringing me back to the real world. i crack my eyes open to see a smiling millie looking down at me, her hair a mess and cheeks pink.

"wakie wakie." she says in a sing songy voice, as she lays on top of me, shaking me awake. 

i groan and gently wrap my arms around her small body as she squirms. "mills... it's too early for this."

"what's todayyy?" she sings, bringing me up to a sitting position and brushing my hair out of my eyes. 

it hits me just then, and a smile breaks out on my face. "our one month." i mumble as i pull her onto my lap and her arms tighten around me.

"happy one month finn."


wow this is unbelievably short but i wanted to write this short thing and write a real chapter tmrw

holy shit to all the boys i've loved before is amazing i loved the book but this movie-

theres so much tea happening right now with my two friends, they were dating and now theres this entire cheating thing and it's so entertaining and i want to help out but both of them are being so petty and rude now i'm just sitting back and enjoying the show lol

question of the day: i need a really good wattpad book. recommendations? 

i love you


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