3: hot venus flytrap

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(listen to never be the same- camila cabello in the background)


finns pov:

sometimes i think of life as a rollercoaster.

cliché i know, but it's true. 

there's ups and downs and screams and cries and at the end you're glad it happened. but there's always different types of rollercoasters. there's the kinds where you're looping and turning and you feel as if you're about to throw up. and there's the kinds where it seems peaceful at first and then suddenly the ground goes out from under you and you end up in this spiral of darkness not knowing what's ahead of you. 

that's the kind of roller coaster that i'm living in.

it's strange having no true mother.


i'm staring bullets at my step sister iris apatow at about the time the doorbell rings. she's smiling crookedly at her phone, twirling a lock of her sickenly golden hair like she does whenever she sees one of my friends. this asshole sold me out to my dad about my 10th grade schedule and last years report card that came a few days ago. i had switched out of a few of my honors classes and my averages were fucking terrible.

lets just say he wasn't happy. 

iris on the other hand had perfect grades and was the world renowned teachers pet but there was no way in hell she would ever agree to tutor me so she's spending her last few days of summer gawking at my friends and trying to set me up with every girl within a ten mile radius. i guess some of them were cute but they were the fakest people i've ever met. 

i'm snapped out of my thoughts when iris collapses on the couch next to me her mouth stuffed with chips and laughing so hard that she looked and sounded like a walrus. "shut up will you goldilocks?" i said as i shoved my foot in her face.

"i'm. not...." iris says her uncontrollable laughing now causing her to not realize that she's almost on the floor. "goldilocks!"

i pull her phone out of her grip and see that she was texting noah. "he freaking called you a giraffe raven mutant!" she yells out her laughter finally dying down. 

"i don't see it..." i say thoughtfully. "i'm more like a hot venus flytrap, don't you think?"

iris bursts out laughing again as the doorbell rings. "i'm thinking an ugly tarantula, it suits you!" she says putting a handful of chips in her mouth once more and going back on her phone. i sigh and stand up to go answer the door.

my grin fades when i see who's standing in front of me.

millie bobby brown.

i hate her. 

hate might not be a strong enough word.

i used to be best friends with romeo beckham before millie came into his life and i went out. she pushed him away from me and the boy that used to be my most trusted friend became my least trusted. because of her. it seems like a petty reason to be sworn enemies with someone but with enough time a grudge can grow.

i roll my eyes when i see her but only on my second glance do i see her smudged makeup, tear stained cheeks, and the large purple bruise present on her cheek. her (slightly pretty) eyes are red and puffy and her shoulder length hair looked as if it could murder someone.

i've never seen her like this before.

"millie? what the fuck happened—" and iris pushes past me, cutting me off. she pulls millie into a hug and takes her upstairs leaving me to wallow in my confusion.


millie's pov:

i wipe at my tears as i follow iris to her room, my head down. 

when i feel myself ushered into a room and the door closing behind me i look up and smile at what i see. 

iris' room is literal fangirl heaven. i see posters of every single celebrity and tv show you could ever name (yes, including stranger things). her dresser was stacked with every single autograph shes ever gotten, the pile has gotten so high that i wonder if iris could win a world record for most autographs, if thats even a thing. i get so caught up in my thoughts that i almost don't notice iris pull me over to her bed and shove her phone into my hand.

"millie, i'm guessing that this is about romeo." she says, her eyes filled with sympathy.

i don't answer and keep my head down. 

"yup this is definitely about romeo. whats that assholes number?" she asks, putting a hand on my chin and forcing me to look up. of course i had it memorized but i wasn't about to tell her. iris apatow is the perfect example of a hella good friend. if anyone hurts someone she cares about, they better sit tight and pray that they won't be killed in their sleep, because iris is not the kind of person who believes in the quote "forgive and forget". more like "take revenge and hope that i don't hurt them too badly because then i could get sued or some shit but it would still be worth it cause that loser went down."

yup iris is good one.

i take a deep breath and look her straight in the eye. "iris... i trust you more than you know, but i'm just not ready to come to terms with it yet," i feel the tears begging to fall, but i push them back. "like in the span of ten minutes i learned that i wasted my entire high school life running after a guy that didn't love me in the first place, someone who just wanted to take advantage of me."

iris pulls me into a strong hug as i tearlessly sob. "and iris. i know that i shouldn't cry over a guy. i've told people that in the past, but... b-but it just hurts so much..."

i break down for probably the third time that day and iris just hugs me until the words don't come out of me anymore. "millie. romeo. is. worthless. if he let go of someone like you then why the fuck is he worth your tears."

i manage a weak smile. "thank you iris. you're amazing."

she grins. "i know right! i've been trying to tell finn that for months but he still doesn't believe me. if it wasn't for his hot friends i would really just un-sibling him."

i snort. "iris i doubt that's possible."

"i'll find a way at some point." she says sighing. "oh, millie, i just remembered something, theres a party at luna's tonight, the entire grade's invited. you should come, it'll help you get your mind off of things. your parents said sadie could go too."

i hesitate, considering that i rarely drink and parties aren't much of my scene, but after a few seconds i agree. "why not. it's not like i'll be doing anything else tonight other than sitting in my bed and thinking about how sad my life is."

iris smiles. "finn's gonna drive us."



sorry this chapter came out a day later, but i spent a lot of time on it so enjoy!

new chapter coming in the next few days!

- r

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