6: we would've kissed if the damn counselor didn't barge in

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listen to you don't own me- grace & g-easy in the background)


finns pov:

holy shit, why can't i stop thinking about her.

the entire car ride to the hawkins diner i couldn't get her face and words out of my head. i tried to, believe me, but that british accent and her laugh always were in the back of my head. it was driving me insane that i thought about her that much, we weren't even friends, just acquaintances. 

it was the last day of summer and caleb had texted through our boys group chat that we should meet up in the diner and hang out, considering that we haven't in a long time. and of course in hawkins diner. the diner was always a place of firsts for us. it was where i had my first kiss in seventh grade, where caleb got his first job, where me and noah first met, it always has and always will be our second home. 

i've never fully believe that one place could hold so many memories and moments but that was before the gang and i stumbled upon the diner.

i find an empty spot in the crowded parking lot and as i get out of my car i check the messages flooding into my phone.

losers gc:

gatenmaboi- yo finn noah where u at 

schnipper- stuck in traffic b there in a few

chocolatedaddy- shift ends in like two mins i'll be out once i wash up

saggytits- there's a hot as fuck girl two seats away from us i would hit that

wolfhard- ya just wanna get into her pants 

saggytits- so what

gatenmaboi- SO UH finn where u at?

wolfhard- coming in rn

i stepped into the large diner and the smell of pancakes and syrup hit me strong as the large building bustled with activity and people. i find the corner booth that we always take and slide into the seat next to gaten to find caleb and jacob there too. to be honest, i never liked jacob all that much. in the past few years of knowing him he became less and less of a friend to me and now i just saw him as a fuckboy who hung out with us. sometimes he could be understanding and fun to be around but usually he was a complete asshole.

noah slides in a moment later and a pretty waitress comes over to let us order.

"uh the usual please." noah said as she nodded and hustled back to the counter. we came here so often that everyone knew our orders and us. 

"so that girl over there, she's banging." jacob says as he nods in the direction of two people, a brunette and a red headed girl. we all turn around to see them and i recognize them instantly, millie and her stepsister sadie.

i cough. "which one?"

jacob licks his lips and smirks. "that hazel eyed pretty one."

"millie??" i say surprised, never even knowing that jacob noticed her before, not that she wasn't pretty enough to be noticed.

"yup, that was her name. bro, she's hottt." jacob bites his lip as he stares at her, eyes running up and down her body. i clench my hand into fists under the table and i turn around again getting a good look at her.

the hangover hit her pretty hard, but she didn't look any less cute than she usually does. she was wearing a white nike hoodie, and black leggings with her hair in two dutch braids. i'm surprised by the fact that i actually recognize what type of braid they were, but living with iris has taught me things that i never once believed i would know.

our food arrives, tearing jacob and i's attention off of millie and i take a sip of my milkshake as caleb speaks up. "dude, you should be careful if you actually want to date her. she just got out of a relationship with beckham and there's a rumor that she broke his arm."

jacob scoffs as he dips a fry into his ice cream. "that's complete bullshit how would she over power romeo beckham?" 

 gaten pulls out his phone and shows jacob a screenshot of romeo's recent instagram story of his arm in a cast. it was barely noticeable but in the bottom left corner he tagged millie.

jacobs mouth drops open as he grabs the phone. "no freaking way!"

i snicker. "yes freaking way."

"well either way i'm heading after her, she's feisty, just how i like 'em." jacob mumbles, still staring at millie's laughing figure.

"jacob, no offense, but i seriously doubt she's ever gonna date you. like she never even wanted to be in a relationship with beckham so if you cross him out she's never had another boyfriend. she has high expectations mate, and you just don't live up to them." noah says, digging into his waffles as if they were the only important thing on this planet.

i smile and secretly high five noah under the table, i feel like he might know that i have a minuscule amount of feelings for millie. 

"ok, seriously, guys..." jacob says rolling his eyes. "i'm not that bad."

"yes you are." we all say together.

"think of it this way jacob, your last relationship lasted, what, three days?" caleb points out, raising his eyebrows at jacob.

"well yeah but—"

"oh and not to mention you cheated on her literally a fucking day into the relationship, that's just low man..."

jacobs sighs and raises his hands in defeat. "ok, ok guys. no need to gang up on me, i won't go after her alright?"

weirdly i feel i bit more reassured after he said that.

"anyway," caleb says, changing the topic from millie. "you know that girl next to her? sadie? i think i kind of like her, and i think she likes me back. we went to the same summer camp together, and i swear we would've kissed if the damn counselor didn't barge in saying that the cabins were infested with termites."

i snort, laughing uncontrollably as caleb slaps me on the back, annoyed.

"you should go for it, caleb. she's looking at you right now." gaten says, smirking. 

caleb immediately turns red and looks down at the floor. "what if she just rejects me?"

i sigh. "caleb lets make a bet, if i can get millie to fall in love with me within the next two weeks, then you have to grow some fucking balls and ask her out."

caleb bursts out laughing and so does everyone else except for noah who just grins. "you? make millie bobby brown fall in love with you? that's gonna be impossible!" jacob laughs out.

i smirk. "exactly, that's why it shouldn't be much of a problem for you caleb, should it?" 

"bet. $50." caleb says, fully confident that he would win. 

"deal." i say shaking hand with caleb, and grinning.

this'll be easy.



sorry this was a late update i have a cbe summer final soon which i'm studying for and it's been a hot ass couples of days i swear i can see heat waves.

hope u have an amazing day! MWAH 💋 

- r 

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