15: i throw caleb's pizza crust at her

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// 1084 words //

// inspired by you should see me in a crown by billie eilish //




"fucking move over, gaten!" loren says, shoving gaten further down the cafeteria bench which he and noah were determined to take over. i smile when i see sadie roll her eyes and setting down her lunch tray, she pushes gaten completely off the bench, sending him to the ground.

we had claimed the largest lunch table in the entire cafeteria to contain all of us, but the boys of course had to be assholes and hog all the free space. in order to sit down i had to shove my foot in finn's face and basically step on caleb. me, finn, caleb and iris were on one side of the table, sadie, loren, gaten, noah and jacob were shoved together and luna had all the space in the world sitting at the side of the table.

all in all, we looked very uncomfortable.

the fact that finn was basically pressed against me, made my cheeks turn red but i smiled when finn refused jacob's offer to switch seats. i don't know what it was about jacob that made me wary of him, but he always eyed me in a strange sort of way and always found a way to be next to me.

finn hadn't brought up that moment between us in the hallway since it happened and as conflicted as i am about whether i like him or whether i don't, i decided to just ignore it and pretend it never happened.

stop being such a wimp millie. just admit to yourself that you like him and get it over with.

i break out of my thoughts when i hear my name.

"millie, did you get that song assignment too?" sadie asks, with one foot on gaten to stop him from pushing her and loren off the seat.

"oh, um, yeah." i say as i take a sip of my sprite. "we got it in class today, me and finn are partners."

iris smirks. "that's great and all, but guess who my partner is." she slams her hands against the table, the impact causing jacobs cup to tip over. "maddie. fucking. ziegler."

everyone at the table quickly looks at my and luna's expressions and then back at iris.

"i mean, at least this'll be a chance for you to make up?" caleb offers, quickly given a glare from iris.

"i swear she's been ignoring me ever since that fight." luna says, breaking the silence. "i tried to talk to her once in class today, and she acted like she didn't even hear me!"

"just give this whole fighting maddie thing a rest will you?" jacob says rubbing his face. "it's getting annoying, she asked me out a few days ago you know?"

"well, did you say yes?" finn asks, taking a handful of fries from my tray, causing me to take a swig of his lemonade.

"that's indirect kissing, you know." noah says smiling and raising his eyebrows at finn.

i blush and look over at iris to see her making kissy faces at me.

i throw caleb's pizza crust at her.

"of course i didn't say yes, she's got a shitty reputation, i don't want her to be associated with me." jacob replies. "i mean she's hot--"

"can we please stop talking about her?" i say quietly, cutting jacob off.

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