8: screw y'all fuckers

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1064 words

listen to do re mi - blackbear in the background :)


millie's pov:

i smile as we step out of luna's car.

calm down. calm down.

holy shit why am i so nervous.


i turn my head to see loren beside me and her breathing heavily as well. i smile and squeeze her hand. "don't worry, its just the first day of school."

take some of your own advice you idiot.

out of the corner of my eye i see finn, caleb, gaten, noah and jacob, the popular group of the school. i knew all of them as acquaintances, from having them in previous classes or group projects. i guess you could consider my friend group and theirs as the relevants of the school, but to be honest i hated that title, and never tried in any way to raise my social standing. the stereotypes of the "populars" are extremely cliche, and i strongly disagree with them. if popularity was just making others feel bad about themselves and being stuck-up and snobby, then i would never want to be popular.

i flush when i realize that i've been staring at finn, and he looks back up at me, making eye contact for a moment before my face turns pink and i look down. sadie clucks her tongue beside me when she notices my blush and sees who's looking at me from the other side of the parking lot.

"awwhh... is millie bobby brown blushing?" she whispers in my ear, smirking. i groan and slap her upside the head, shutting her up.

i look up to see hoards and hoards of teenagers trying to get past the double door entrance to the school and several teachers yelling.

"WHAT THE HELL. uh hello ms. jensen, hopefully you have completed your summer reading? EXCUSE ME THAT IS STAFF ENTRY ONLY. mr. taylor, how's your mother doing? be sure to send her my well wishes! STOP TAKING SELFIES IN THE DOORWAY, YOUNG LADIES, YOU ARE BLOCKING THE ENTRANCE." mrs. johnson, my humanities teacher last year stands on top of the steps, shouting at kids, and i burst out in laughter when i realize what she's yelling.

"GENTLEMEN... THAT'S VERY... UH UNSAFE BEHAVIOR!" i turn my head to see another teacher yelling at the football team who were in a pile, all on top of each other.

i check the time on my phone to realize that we only have about 35 minutes until first period. our high school gives us a little time to get situated with the new school and pick up sports and club equipment at the beginning of each day. hawkins high is probably the only high school for several miles, but the campus is humongous, having enough room for all 4,000 students.

iris drags us to the side of the first building where there's an entrance that is not crowded with hundreds of lost teenagers and it's also closer to the abandoned room where we planned to hang out.

as we walk towards the familiar sight of caution tape and 'do not enter' signs, i hear voices and footsteps coming towards us. i frantically look at my friends behind me who mouth words at me, not speaking in fear of being caught by a teacher in the abandoned area.

HOLY SHIT. shit shit shit shit. fuck.

i take deep breaths as the footsteps become louder and louder.

i can't get a demerit on the first day!

"we'll just pretend we got lost... okay?" sadie whispers in my ear from behind me and i have barely enough time to nod before the people heading towards us turn the corner, coming into our view.

no way in hell.


finn's pov:

i don't notice the girls in front of us until noah slaps me and i look up.

oh shit.

i'm looking at millie bobby brown.

yes there were other girls behind her, specifically a stubborn redhead that was making caleb turn red, but my eyes couldn't move away from her.

what do i do...

i cough and kick jacob in the shin to say something but he looks even more shocked than me and just opens his mouth but no words come out.

a blonde girl steps forward, narrowing her eyes. "this is the abandoned area."

"we've noticed." gaten mumbles from behind me.

there's a moment of silence between us two group before millie finally throws her hands up and walks into the abandoned room that we planned on meeting in. "screw y'all fuckers but i'm not gonna spend all morning like this."

we all stare after her.

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