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// 911 words //

// inspired by CITY BOY by calpurnia //




I BALANCE ON the highest branch of finns familys oak tree, that had been growing in their backyard for years. i sigh when i hear sadies giggling from behind me, and i look down to see loren, iris and luna on the ground, bathed in the light of the street lamps. it's 1 am and i couldn't believe that i'm climbing a tree and about to sneak into finn wolfhards bedroom.

taking a deep breath, i lean forward to grab onto finns windowsill and i attempt to open the window from the outside. its locked.

"fuck." i whisper under my breath. "sadie, it's locked." 

sadie smiles and holds out a key. "it's iris'. it opens every window in the house."

i reach back and take the key from sadie, who's now sitting on the tree branch beside me. "wait. this is iris' freaking house!" i whisper yell at sadie. "why are we sneaking through a window?"

"it's fun to watch you suffer." sadie says, blatantly.

i groan and feel for the keyhole on the window, and once i find it i slide the key in and unlock it as quietly as i can.

who even has locks on their windows?

i open the window, wincing when i hear a creak, and gesture for sadie to join the other girls on the ground. i hold my breath and put on leg through the opening into finns room, and slowly enter. 

i sigh in relief when i see that finn isn't in sight, and i wouldn't have to embarrass myself and act drunk. i turn on my flashlight so i can see what's in front of me and my eyes catch on his drawer, overflowing with band shirts, and i immediately head towards it, determined to do the dare and leave as quick as i can. my hands land on the first shirt is see, a white twin peaks one, and i start to turn around before i get blinded by the lights turning on.

i drop the shirt on the floor and immediately lean on the dresser, pretending to be far from sober. 

"millie?" i see finn enter the room,  probably coming home from a friends house, and his eyes widen when he sees me. "why are you here so late? iris isn't here."

my eyes flick over to the half open window and back to him. "i-i'm just leavingg..." i inwardly cringe, at how bad my drunk acting is. "i-i... i need t-to get something from iris' room." i reach down discreetly and grab finns twin peaks shirt with out him noticing.

"millie, you're a terrible actor." finn chuckles and walks over to his window to close it. "you aren't drunk and you're lying. what're you really doing here?"

i stare at the closed window, and in panic, rush out of finns room, running down the hallway and stairs to the front door as i hear finn call out after me in confusion. 

i see lights turn on in the master bedroom and finn and iris' mom call out. "finn? what's going on, why are you yelling!" 

i curse under my breath as my hands fumble with the lock on the front door, finns shirt tucked in my elbow, and i curse again when i finally get the door open and the alarm goes off.

"FINN WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IT'S 1 AM!" i hear finns dad yell across the house just before i stumble out the door and close it behind me, the alarm still going off. i see iris' mop of blonde hair and i shove her in the doorway.

"pretend you're coming home, okay?" i tell iris, as she nods, laughing. "don't say a single thing about me!" i yell back at her as i find luna, loren and sadie in luna's car and i jump in, luna starting the engine and taking off right after.

"HOLY SHIT." loren says as the sun roof pulls back and the wind whips in our hair. 

"MILLIE!" sadie calls out, from shotgun. "that was fucking amazing, i can't believe you had the guts to do that!" 

"holy fucking shit..." i whisper, as i uncrumple the twin peaks shirt in my hands. "i can't believe i broke into their house, stole something and left without being caught..."

"you have the shirt?" luna says, as we near my house. 

i hold it up as the wind whips in our faces, and smiles break out across our faces.


wolfhard- you are one daring kid

bahaha u must be so freaking confused

wolfhard- uh i think i have a right to be i come home at one in the morning and i find millie bobby brown in my room looking thru my clothes

wolfhard- how did u even get in

u can ask iris bout that :)

did u rat me out

wolfhard- naw it's fun seeing iris get yelled at by mom and dad

wolfhard- oh and u can keep the shirt :)


wow this chapter is short but hopefully an interesting one.

question of the day: have any of u watched midnight sun? i cried literally for the entire last half of the movie omg the ending was so freaking sad i wanna sue someone. literally this movie is brilliant go watch it. go. GO I'M WAITING.

rant of the day: drama drama drama teenagers are hella annoying and hella dumb myself included

song of the day- city boy by CALPURNIA MY BABIES

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