24: i was doing charity work

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// 1172 words //

// inspired by GIRFRIEND by avril lavigne //




unknown- hey is this millie

who's this

unknown- jacob

unknown- i got ur # from that redhead

i stop in my tracks when i read the last text, and immediately look up at sadie. me, lilia, and sadie are currently roaming around the mall, arms weighed down with bags of clothes, and the thought of food in the back of our minds. sadie and lilia stop walking when they realize that they've left me behind.

"what?" sadie asks innocently when she sees me staring at her.

i scoff and shove my phone in her face as i continue walking and lilia stares at us with an amused expression on her face. "you gave my number to jacob, sadie!" i say, as sadie smirks.

"i did no such thing!" sadie says dramatically, putting her hand over her heart.

"cut the shit, sadie." i say, laughing. "how did he even ask you for my number?" i adjust the four huge bags in my hands, my wrists starting to turn red.

"okay, okay, fine, i did give him your number, but it was for a good cause! i was doing charity work!" sadie says defensively as lilia tries and fails to hold in a laugh. "and he just came up and asked me, it would be rude to say no!"

"sadie, when have you ever been nice?" i say rolling my eyes and taking my phone back from her, to reply to jacob.

oh right, hey jacob

jacob- so millie

jacob- u wanna go on a date tmrw?

i stop in my tracks yet again, a hand over my mouth, and lilia sighs as she and sadie turn around again.

"really millie, these dramatic pauses are getting old." lilia reaches over to take my phone and she reads through the texts and almost drops it when she reads the last one. "he asked you out??"

i nod, eyes wide. jacob always acted weird around me, but i never thought that he might actually like me. i haven't even done anything to make him like me. "what should i say? i don't want to be rude!"

"hold up." sadie drops all of her bags in the middle of the mall walkway, making several people give us dirty looks. "jacob. sartorius. asked. you. out?"

sadie and lilia both look at each other before turning back to me. "SAY NO!" they yell in my face, causing me to step back and almost trip over a bag.

"how do i say it nicely though?" i say, fumbling with my phone, knowing that jacob saw that i read his message and was waiting for my reply. "i can't just flat out reject him!"

i feel my phone vibrate in my hand and my eyes widen even more when i see that he's calling me, and i see sadie smile out of the corner of my eye. before i can protest she takes my phone and accepts the call. "MILLIE SAYS HELL NO." she yells to jacob before he can get a word in, and she immediately hangs up, leaving me and lilia staring at her with our mouths open.

"what?" sadie says innocently. "problem solved. millie, really, you are way too nice sometimes."

we pick our bags off the ground and start walking again, me and lilia still shocked. lilia takes the phone from sadie and presses a few things before giving it back to me. "i blocked and deleted his contact for good measure." she says, as my faces breaks out into a small grin.

"you two are insane..." i mumble to myself as we enter forever 21, no doubt going to leave with more clothes.


"seriously millie? how do you not have one dress in this humongous closet of yours, it's insane." sadie yells across our room at me.

sadie's currently raiding my closet because apparently she ran out of stuff to wear in her own, which is crazy considering someone could get lost in her maze of a closet. while she is criticizing my fashion sense, i'm on my phone stalking tom holland.

"i just don't like dresses." i grumble as i see sadie step out of my closet, her hands in the air in defeat.

"okay millie..." sadie says, walking to me and putting her hands on her hips. "i am only suggesting this out of love... can i reorganize your closet?"

i snort. "knock yourself out." sadie jumps up in excitement and runs over to my clothes again.

she picks up two pairs of black leggings and holds them in my direction. "okay, which one do you want to get rid of?"

i frown, standing up and crossing my arms. "i like them both, i'm keeping both."

"they're the exact same!" sadie says, sighing. "there's nothing different about them."

"what if one's in the wash and i want to wear black leggings?"

sadie steps to the side to reveal about five other pairs of black leggings, all the exact same. "do you get my point now?"

"leave my leggings alone..." i groan, collapsing on my bed, rubbing my eyes. it was about eleven at night and we have school tomorrow, but sadie and i usually don't fall asleep until midnight.

"fine. lets move on to sweatpants, which you have an unhealthy obsession with." sadie says, opening a drawer, stuffed to the brim with black and grey sweats.

"no, no, no, no, no, NO." i say pushing sadie away from my drawers. "those are off limits too, and you know that! don't act like you don't steal one of them every week." i say accusingly as sadie groans and throws her head back.

"you really are impossible millie, but i bet finn would love to see you in something other than sweats..." she says smirking and backing out of the room, knowing that i'm about to attack her.


here's a cute sillie chapter for y'all

question of the day: what's a really good movie or tv show? preferably high school related stuff with a good ship lol

rant of the day: NOT A RANT BUT OH MY GOD. literally last night i was on insta at like eleven pm and i see this hashtag called #jillieisoverparty and i'm like hm that's weird. THEN i check millies acc and she isn't following jacob anymore and she blocked him and jacob wasn't following millie either. THEN i check the comment sections of both of their recents and everyone's freaking out and i check the hashtag jillie is over party and it was kinda really hilarious. AND THEN i check their stories this morning and it's tru they broke up. really idk what to think i don't really like jacob but if millie's happy then i'm happy.

ALSO THANK GOD FOR LILIA she's such a sweetheart and a big tea spiller

the tea was SCORCHING last night

also school starts for me in a few weeks so updates will become crappier and more far apart so here's a sorry in advance for that but even with school i'll try to keep updating daily.

love y'all vote and comment


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