29: your hair looked like a bird was living in it

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// 1478 words //

// inspired by issues by julia michaels //




holy crap she looks beautiful.

i can't help but steal glances at her between questions from her dad. as good as the food is, my attention is focused on millie more than anything else. through this dinner, i've kept trying to make eye contact with her, and as soon as she realizes i'm looking at her, she looks down at her hands, a blush creeping up her neck.

"so how long have you known millie?" mrs. sink says, snapping my attention away from millie.

"oh, um, i think about ten or eleven years now. iris and i met her in kinder." i reply as mrs. sink brings out the flan, and my mouth starts watering when the sweet smell reaches me.

"oh, then why haven't we ever heard about finn?" mrs. sink asks, directing the question to millie whos head shoots up in surprise.

"we weren't.... i was never..." millie stutters, trying to figure out how to say that we were never friends.

"finn hung out with a different crowd than millie and iris." sadie intercepts, as millie gives her a grateful smile. "we actually haven't meshed together since the beginning of this school year actually."

"frederick," i wince when i hear mr. sink mess up my name again. apparently sadie thought of it as funny because she held in a laugh everytime. "what are your extracurriculars?"

"i'm the captain of the soccer team and i'm in a band."

mr. sink freezes. "you-you're in a band?"

"uh, yes sir. calpurnia. it's with three other people, they don't go to hawkins high." i say hesitantly, not being able to read mr. sinks expression.

"you don't say!" mr. sink exclaims, a smile breaking out on his face. "i was part of a band as well throughout my high school and college years!"

"dad please." millie cuts in, rolling her eyes.

"no, no i'm sure finnigan will be more than happy to listen. aren't you?"

"um, sure sir." i say as millie gives me a look, making eye contact with me for the first time in the past hour.

"we were called the blasted bastards!" mr. sink starts, as millie, sadie and mrs. sink all groan, obviously having heard this retelling countless times.

"cool name, sir." i say, trying hard to please mr. sink.

"i know, you don't have to tell me. anyway, we were the most famous people that lived in hawkins-"

"that's an exaggeration dear." mrs. sink cuts in, chuckling.

"hardly!" mr. sink protests. "we were quite acclaimed. kelly, don't pretend that you didn't ask for my autograph once!"

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